Well, okay.

Jul 26, 2016 17:57

I've been feeling kind of crap for a while now, due to some things that I can't discuss in public, and I just. ARGH.


I just want to scream.

Thing is, it's the kind of thing that I can't actually do anything about. I can't... fix it. That's 100% out of my hands. Absolutely.

So, the only thing that I can do is... hmm, how to put it. Figure out strategies to deal with it better, I guess you could say. And that's a slow and frustrating process. And it's the kind of thing that never stops being a process. And right now, it's kind of hard, because I am so damn sick of this.

Pokemon Go kind of came at the right time, because in my experience, one of the best ways for me to handle stuff like this is: exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. And sometimes it's kind of hard to get motivation to deal with that, because getting out of the house can be... difficult, when I'm feeling like crap, no matter what the reasons are for feeling like crap. But this makes it easier.

I plan on taking advantage of the long summer days as much as I can.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3492546.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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