
Jul 21, 2016 20:07

Came across a kid catching pokemon with his father when I was walking home from the bus stop today. Normally I'm not into kids but... it was so cute. He was gushing about how he wants a Vileplume, aww. <3

MAN my connection is running like ass today. Maybe the universe is telling me to get off the computer and go do something productive with my time. Like... uh... hold on, give me a minute....

Kind of want to go see Ghostbusters - I've heard it's silly fun, which is always good - but the cinema is on a reduced schedule, so I can't do my usual "lunch + matinee" thing, sigh. Well, maybe I'll be able to arrange something. WHO KNOWS.

Fully expect that this weekend will involve a lot of running around. I have SO MANY errands to do. And... I also want to do some geocaching. And pokego-ing. Probably going to manage a little bit of both. There seem to be some microcaches in the next neighbourhood over, so I'm going to see if I can manage to find at least one of them, though I might not be able to hit all of them on the same day, since things are kind of spread out around here. And I want to try again with the one downtown that I couldn't find last week. ...But I'm definitely going to bring bug spray. Definitely.

I have tomorrow off, but I kind of want to get up at my regular time anyway (that is, 5 AM) just so that I can go for a run. But that's kind of a nutso idea, and I don't think I'd stick to it anyway. ...But maybe if I bump it to 7, hmm. And depending on the weather. We'll see. The mornings have been so nice lately.

I. Have. So many things that I want to write, and it kind of makes me want to claw my face off. Last week I burnt myself out a little, because I was pushing myself really hard to finish something, and I think it took up what juice I had. So, hopefully I'll manage to get through something this weekend. There are exchange fics that need to get done, and finished drafts that I want to edit, and... yeah. Way too many wips. I'm drowning in them. Not as planned.

Gaaah. A to-do under the cut, because I'm feeling frazzled-

-Wal Mart: new watch to replace the old one (sigh) + other stuff, see list
-Read & return 1 library book if possible
-Read some of that Dene History book too
-Finish draft for rarepair pinch hit
-Do 1st pass edit of Voices in the Line
-Write something else too, idk what
-Read through Juniper's fic and put in some revisions/suggestions
-also reorganize your clothes drawers, dude, it's getting messy in there
-Don't forget to hit the pokestop at the post office, oho 8)
-And check out at least one Geocache
-Answer those asks that've been sitting in your inbox for weeks, geeze.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3491447.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

to-do, writing, geocaching, life

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