Snip Snap Snorum ☆

Jul 09, 2016 20:50

☆ Went to the cafe near my place today. It was... kind of a weirdly emotional thing. I mean, yes, it's Starbucks, and I don't actually like their coffee. But like - it's the place where, before the fire, I went almost every weekend. They always remembered my name and my order. And today, when I went in there, the barista, she remembered my name. And my order. And she asked if my house was okay. And on the chalkboard, somebody had written, "We missed you, Fort Mac! ♥" And I just. Fff. FFFFF. ;;;; (The coffee still sucks though.)

☆ I can't believe I've never looked up Buffy Sainte-Marie's music before. Heard her name every now and then, but didn't really know anything about her. Recently, I came across someone enthusing about her, so I decided to give a listen... Turns out, her stuff is pretty up my alley. Nice! And holy shit, her discography is pretty big. I'm going to have fun going through this. For now, just going to rec Love Charms, one of her newer releases, from Power in the Blood. So good. <3 ...Jesus, she's 75 years old and still doing her thing: awesome music and activism. Life goals, man.

☆ Camp NaNo is going well. I'm sitting at 5k right now, hopefully will slap down more words tomorrow. Reaaallly not happy with the fic I'm working on right now, but we'll see how it goes. I need to get it done this week, so. I really should concentrate on editing some things too, though. I have so many drafts that I just - typed up, and then didn't do anything with, because I hate editing. (Not to mention, some of it is poetry, and editing poetry is even worse than editing regular fic, bah humbug.)

☆ We're going out for breakfast tomorrow. I'd kind of hoped to be able to get down to the library, but I don't think I'll manage it. Ah well, we'll see.... My cake looks good, at least.

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writing, nanowrimo, music, life

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