
Jul 07, 2016 20:42

☆ I have been making terrible life choices lately, and by that I mean, not going to bed early enough. Self, stop it. Grow up. You're too old for this.

☆ Speaking of which, my thirtieth birthday is on Sunday. And so is the Euro Cup Final. ...I think I'll skip it. The match, not my birthday. I don't care about France vs Portugal, blah. All of my favourites are out as of yesterday (alas, Wales) and this final is just bound to be uninteresting to me. Though to be honest, if I could skip my birthday, I'd do that too. My family makes too much of a fuss, and I'm like - just give me a piece of cake and leave me alone, please. I don't have the energy to do anything special, even if it's a milestone.

☆ As of July 05, the fire is finally under control, thanks to all the rain we've been having, and of course the active efforts to contain it as well. But it isn't out yet, and I expect it'll be a while before it's completely finished. Things are still in the process of getting back to normal here. A lot of people have returned to my neighbourhood, but there are still houses that are empty. Many businesses haven't reopened yet. The library only just reopened this week. Both the city transit and the oil sands busing are under temporary, limited schedules. And so on, and so forth. ...But things are returning to normal a little bit more and more every day, and I'm glad for that.

☆ Getting a little bit antsy about
rarepairfest. Assignments were supposed to go out days ago, but due to an Ao3 bug, they weren't able to be assigned. It should be taken care of in the next few days, but still, argh. I'd like to get started soon (and while I could mail the mod for my assignment, since they offered, I think I'll just... wait). Judging by the signup summary, I have at least five potential matches, so it isn't like I can guess what my assignment will be. ...I kind of want to treat everyone I can possibly treat, the way I did with Chocolate Box, but er. That might be pushing it a little. I remember that when I did that, I felt so totally exhausted at the end. We'll have to see.

☆ The recent Stand Still Stay Silent updates have been a delight. I kind of forgot how hard I shipped Onni/Reynir until recently. It's a little ridiculous how excited I get just to see them on the same page (like so). I can't believe I haven't written anything with this pairing yet. It isn't as if I don't have any ideas! ...Well. We'll have to see what happens, I guess. :D Maybe I'll come up with something. (...To be honest, the song I'm listening to now, "Icebreaker", is giving me some vague ideas, though I'm not quite sure - I'll need to let them sit for a while, see what happens.)

☆ I was offered a position as a moderator at the SSSSForum. I turned it down. This is mostly because of RL stuff. But it's also for other reasons. It's not only because the fandom has been a trainwreck lately - though it's partly that. It's also because if I accepted it, I would be under a microscope. I would have to conduct myself more strictly than I currently do. I don't have the patience for that. I want the freedom to be a cranky wanker if I damn well feel like it. ...I mean, generally I'd make an attempt at restraining myself, but still. Not to mention, working as part of a team, rather than answering only to myself, is something that I have never been very good at. ...Obviously, none of the above admin-related reservations apply to the SSSS comm here on DW. Things are going well with
ssss, and I'm glad that I put it together.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3488940.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

football, fort mcmurray, life, rarepair fest, stand still stay silent

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