
Jun 24, 2016 21:09

☆ 2016 has been an absolute mess. Can we restart? Pull a do-over? UK pals, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this mess.

☆ Weekend scheduling + time zones means that if I want to watch any football tomorrow, I'll have to get up early for it. Do I want to get up at 7 on a Saturday just to watch soccer and knit? ...Well. Only time will tell. (To be honest, it's better if I get up early, considering my sleep schedule for work, but -- yowza.) Ffff I have no idea who I even want to win the Euro. How about -- ICELAND!! Haa, not going to happen, but Kainoliero would sure be happy if they did win. :') (Not to mention Icelanders in general - their reaction to qualifying was amazing; just imagine if they won. IMAGINE.)

☆ There has been a massive wank in SSSS fandom, and I kind of feel like I should write out my thoughts on it. But it's been exhausting, and I suspect that things will get heated again when Monday's update is posted. So, maybe not quite yet. But it would be useful to try to articulate how I feel about it, I guess. (So, I guess this is a note to self....)

☆ Fic deadlines are looming. [/SCREAM] I really should try to hammer this treat into shape. And then start on something else immediately. There's a thing that I need to write for early July - well, okay, I don't need to write it, but I want to, you know how it is. Need to get going... ugh.

☆ I've been complaining an awful lot about not getting enough sleep lately, and I'm sure that everyone who knows me is sick of it. But man, I am so, so, so tired. Between the evening sunlight and disaster-related stress, I am a hot mess. [/shakesfist] Hopefully this will sort itself out soon. In the meantime, uh... if I end up being a little short with anybody, this could well be why.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3487038.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, writing, football, life

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