Bits and Bites ☆

Jun 23, 2016 20:34

☆ Good things in life: Ginger-peach tea. Finishing a good book. Red licorice. My friends and their awesome artwork.

☆ Note to self: You bought several albums recently. You should review them. It'll help you articulate why you like them. ...And it'll spread the music around, too. Win-win.

☆ A discussion* left some half-baked Ex Machina ideas floating around my head. It's been a while since I wrote something for this fandom - maybe I should follow up on that? ...Never mind that I have some fic deadlines looming. ;V But heyyy why not try. Man, it really surprises me that this became one of my fandoms; it's not the sort of thing I would typically lean to.

☆ Canada Post might be going on strike soon, or so I hear. Damn it, postal service was JUST resumed here... grumble, grumble. (And I might, perhaps, be waiting for a package.) WELL, we'll just have to wait it out, I guess.

☆ This might sound crazy, but I can hardly wait for it to start getting a bit dark again. I mean, I like daylight, but... there's daylight, and then there's daylight until midnight. Can I have night at 10 PM, please? That would be nice.

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writing, life

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