Back to work!

Jun 08, 2016 20:51

The day started off awful, but at least it turned around. :D

I got a call today; I'm going back to work tomorrow. Hooray! /throws confetti

For the time being, I'll be working out of the town office, because the internet in our office at the oil plant isn't up and running yet. It's kind of a pain, because it means I'll need to get my father to drive me to/from work - the city transit hasn't started up again. Buuuut that's okay. I can deal.

It'll be so nice to go back to work. I don't like being without a job; aside from like, the cash aspect, being without a regular schedule makes me feel really listless. I end up being an absolute lump and staying in bed until noon. Bleh.

And it'll be nice to see my coworkers again. <3 I have no idea who's even back in town. Going to have to wait and see.

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