Jun 02, 2016 17:22


We have internet! We have power! We... don't have gas yet, but somebody will come by to turn it back on soon. AHA we have gas now, hooray!

The power never went out! Which means cleaning out the appliances was a breeze. We can return to almost-normal, hooray!

Downside is, my brother lost power, and his basement was flooded - we're still not sure why, but suspect that the storm water sewers were backed up due to all the water use in town. Okay, it turns out his hot water heater broke, and has to be replaced. All that carpet and whatnot is going to need to be completely ripped out, eugh. But, that's something for the insurance and his landlord (AKA mom) to sort out.

And now all the unpacking and cleaning and bullshit... well, one can take one's time with that.

I'm just so glad to be home. orz

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3483695.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fort mcmurray fire 2016, life

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