Slobbery doggy kisses

May 26, 2016 21:26

☆ Even though there are some frustrations that come with the whole "having to stay with relatives due to evac" thing, there are some things that I kind of like about it. Mmmostly it's because they have SUCH CUTE DOGS. Good lord. You know, I don't even like dogs much; experiences with my brother's ill-trained mutts have led me to kind of dislike them in general. But my relations' two golden retrievers are sooo cute and well-trained, and if they didn't shed like crazy I would probably want to keep them, haha.

☆ We might head to the bookstore tomorrow. I really hope so. I'm going a little bit stir-crazy. It'll be nice to get out of the house, even for a little while. Managed that for a very short period today, when we headed to pick up some dust masks for re-entry. I keep saying that we should start doing some of our supplies-shopping now, because there are going to be so many people stocking up for re-entry, but of course nobody's liiiistening....

☆ Been doing a little scribbling. Managed to finish something, which is good. Started something that might turn into a longer thing, which is also good (though I really should be working on existing things). Argh, still, writing is so... hard. It hasn't been coming easily. I'm so annoyed with myself. Though the lack of privacy certainly doesn't help matters. Maybe if it's sunny tomorrow, I should try writing out on the patio?

☆ I. Have. Been. Doing SO MUCH knitting. That is one good thing about having nothing to do. Knitting comes easy without distractions. orz UGH. I kind of want to pick up more yarn, just in case I finish this before re-entry. (...Good gods, I hope the yarn that I have at home will not smell like smoke, that would suck so bad. I NEVER EVEN GOT TO KNIT WITH IT.)

☆ Still haven't received that EI-related thing in the mail, even though my mail has been redirected for a while now. :| IF I AM GOING TO HAVE TO CALL THEM, I WILL BE SO ANNOYED. Ugh, going to check tomorrow... hopefully it will be there. My brother was on the phone with them today for like an hour, trying to get his own unemployment insurance sorted out, and I am not looking forward to dealing with that.

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writing, knitting, dogs, life

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