Tl;dr: Stuff and things

May 23, 2016 19:57

☆ TO TOP EVERYTHING OFF, I've come down with a headcold. Ugh, fml. This is just peachy. And by peachy I mean jfc, why.

☆ I am seriously considering writing fic of Dami Im's "Gladiator" music video. Or like, adding it to my list of stuff to potentially request for Yuletide or something. ...I mean hey, that song + that video is basically begging for fantasy knight/princess femslash to be written, far's I'm concerned. ;p Ehhh we will see what comes of this. (And noooo it's not too early to be thinking about Yuletide, what are you talking about, if I don't write a list down then by the time it's actually time to think about it, I'll be sitting there stunned and unable to remember anything that I want!)

☆ I can not brain, so I've been doing very little except sitting here knitting and watching old horror movies that I downloaded from Not gonna lie, Grave of the Vampire certainly is... interesting... in a very "1970s B-rate horror movie" sort of way. Vampire pregnancy? Ooookay. Pretty cracktacular. But there were some things that were interesting in concept, if not execution. (Reluctant to go into detail there because hella' spoilers, but yeah.) Another film that I watched was the 1910 short of Frankenstein. Silent era films are always pretty fascinating for me - there's this sensation of, holy shit, this film is over 100 years old, and here I am, watching it. Anyway, this film - it's worth watching for the creation scene alone; the way they did it is pretty cool. And in some other parts, there were some really neat filming/composition/framing choices. But mostly, this just reminded me that I should totally watch more silent film. I just find early cinema so fascinating.

☆ Speaking of horror movies, I managed to catch VVitch this past Friday with the horror movie gang. It's pretty good, I thought; I liked it a lot, anyway. It's more of a quiet, atmospheric kind of story about a family dealing with loss and getting drawn in by a supernatural evil, rather than in-your-face horror. Normally I'm not crazy about films that deal with witchcraft (of the "worshipping Satan and dancing around a fire while naked" sort) but I found this one pretty interesting in spite of that. It's well worth a watch, I think.

And in fire news....

☆ My house has officially been marked "Okay to Occupy" by the Municipality. I knew before that it would be okay, because as I mentioned previously, it's in an area that wasn't affected much, potential smoke damage aside. But it's nice to have everything rubber-stamped. Mind you, "Okay to Occupy" doesn't actually mean that it's actually safe to live in all houses with this designation; it just means that it's safe to enter them without assistance. A family friend's trailer was marked "Okay to Occupy" as well, but it's located in Waterways, which suffered extremely heavy damage. Something like 90% of that subdivision has been literally burnt to the ground. If his place isn't too heavily smoke-damaged to live in, I will eat an entire shop of hats. But at least he'll be able to return to get his things. I expect that he'll end up living with us, or maybe with my brother, until he can get safe accommodation.

☆ Ugh, I need to call my boss tomorrow... I really would rather not, but it has to be done. I expect that the response to "When can I go back to work?" will be "Hold your horses, we can't even get back into the city yet". But I might as well establish contact. And give him my phone number. I have no idea what we'll even be doing when we get back, or when we will start. I've heard that the site I work at will be putting down additional requirements for people returning, but I don't know if they will apply to contractors like us. I suppose it's possible that we could work out of the town office, but something tells me that the town office is going to be heavily smoke-damaged - on the day that we evacuated, I was in that building for the whole morning, and we were getting a lot of smoke through the ventilation system, and it was very hard to breathe, so - well, I don't know. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

☆ If I can't go back to work ASAP, then I might end up volunteering with some organization or other, depending on the state of transport. And on what we need to do in the house, I guess. There is going to be SO MUCH laundry that needs to be done, good lord. We'll have to wash everything. And clean the walls and carpets. But like, after that... I just can't see myself sitting on my ass, if I have the time. There are people who have lost everything, I just can't.

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fort mcmurray fire 2016, music, yuletide, life, movies

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