Little Things

Apr 14, 2016 20:59

☆ This new tea I picked up last week is fantastic. Can't remember the name, but it's a mix of milk oolong + white + some other stuff. Definitely the kind of thing I wouldn't take to work... over there, I'm downing stuff just to stay awake, don't really take the time to appreciate it. It's nice to be able to just relax and enjoy something like this.

☆ Reading Blue Marrow by Louise Bernice Halfe... I think I might have covered this one in a class once; it seems vaguely familiar. But hey, it's good enough to read twice, certainly. She has a nice flow to her poetry, quite a way with words. There's a glossary at the back for the codeswitching, but I haven't been using it... I prefer to just read through the Cree words when they come; flipping to the back all the time interrupts the flow of the verses.

☆ Nearly finished with season 01 of The Dead Zone. Just one more episode to go. Verdict: I liked it! A lot. I normally have a lot of difficulty getting into television, so it's pretty impressive that I stuck with 12 episodes of this so far. It helps that I've been knitting while I watch, I suppose. Most of the other series that I like aren't in English, and well... subtitles + knitting = guaranteed dropped stitches, at least for me. Anyway, I suppose the fact that I enjoy it so much partly has to do with loving the original novel + film. Though I really should give those a re-read/watch. Another reason, though, is I tend to be really fond of stories about people with psychic abilities. Not all the time, but I definitely enjoy this kind of thing the way that Stephen King portrays it - in The Dead Zone, in Carrie, in Firestarter... man, Firestarter was so damn good, I definitely should re-read that one too. If I can find my copy of it, that is.

☆ I'm leaving for Stockholm in three weeks! :D ...Oh my gods, I'm leaving for Stockholm in three weeks. D: I have so much that I need to take care of before I leave, sob. Oh, well. Guess I'll have to start putting together my to-dos and travel checklists!

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travel, reading, tv, life

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