This entry is all over the place

Apr 08, 2016 22:13

☆ This last week has been so busy, I've felt like I barely had five minutes to myself (including for reading/responding to DW stuff - sorry, guys). Not impressed! And it's just going to get busier. Oh, plant shutdown season, you never fail to drive me nuts. Busiest time of year, bleh.

☆ My fancy yarn from Kaleidoscope Dyeworks arrived. I keep wanting to pull it out and stare at it. It's so gorgeous. Part of me wants to start on a project right away, but I really should finish the thing I'm already making first - not only is it bad to leave things half-done, I don't exactly have anywhere to place unfinished stuff. I'm kind of flopping back and forth on the one I'm working on right now - I always end up second guessing myself. I sized my needles up because I tend to knit pretty tight, but now I'm fretting over whether I should've gone with what the pattern said anyway, blah blah blah. Well, if I end up deciding to unravel it, it won't be the end of the world, but... still.

☆ Speaking of knitting, I've been trying to use Ravelry a little more often; not that I'm the most social on there (certainly not) but it certainly is useful for keeping track of things. I think. If one actually uses it. Anyway, I'm yuuago on there if anyone wants to add me. /o/

☆ Random whine: Had to head to the dentist today to get a filling. It feels so awkward in my mouth, and I can't tell if it's because they didn't file it down enough, or if it just feels weird because it's been years since I've had that kind of work done and it's just unfamiliar. If I end up having to go back to get it fixed, I'll be so annoyed, even if this kind of thing only takes a couple of minutes.

☆ Headed downtown for a massage this afternoon. Yikes, "deep tissue" is right, they sure weren't kidding. More like "beat the knots into submission", haha. I mean, I enjoyed it, and I needed it, but oof I'm gonna' be feeling this for a couple of days....

☆ aRTD: Kiraly wrote another Hannu/Ville fic, Warmth and Misfortune, and I absolutely love it. It has so many things I enjoy - Hannu getting put in awful situations, Ville being protective, awkward expressions of love... <3 Yes. Perfect.

☆ SSSS: It's chapter break time, so we're doing a comic re-read over at
ssss. There's a lot of stuff that I forgot, so this'll be fun. I only juuuust started re-reading the prologue... I expect I'll have a lot to say once I get my teeth into it. Also: I wrote some 18+ Sigrun/Tuuri fic for a friend, and you can find that over here: Steal the Seconds.

☆ Watched The Last Exorcism* (2010) with the horror film gang this evening. It's a found-footage film about a preacher who performs exorcisms even though he doesn't believe in demon possession. When he agrees to let his final exorcism be filmed for a documentary, he gets more than he bargained for. Anyway, this one - it's not awful. But I tend to be lukewarm toward found footage films unless they're really excellent, and as I've mentioned before, with a few exceptions, demon possession/exorcism films aren't really my thing. Overall, I'd say this one is probably skipable, unless you're definitely a fan of the subgenre. I found some of the characters really likeable, and there were some really creepy moments, and the WTF factor goes from 20 to 100 toward the end, but that wasn't enough to grab me.

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knitting, a redtail's dream, life, stand still stay silent, movies

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