
Mar 30, 2016 22:24

☆ Today started off awful and then just kept getting worse. Started going a bit better once I got home, though. I feel fine, now. Wrote a little fic, relaxed a bit, it's all good. But hooo boy, could I ever do with a massage, ugh.

☆ Starting Monday, we'll be rolling into the busiest part of the year at work. Lovely. Not looking forward to that, but what can one do, really. But yes, expect even more... tired... posts.

☆ And of course I haven't been keeping up with anybody or anything. Because, because, because.

☆ ...I just realized that I have a ton of fic-related deadlines in April. Bah, why. Trying to get those done while RL is kicking my ass is going to be fun.

☆ I caved and spent way too much money on yarn. Do I regret it? No. Should I? Probably. Very curious as to when the package will arrive, though. I don't usually get mail from my own province. Should start looking for patterns, because I'm sure that I'll want to have something ready to start as soon as I finish my current project.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3475590.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, work, knitting, life

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