
Mar 29, 2016 19:43

Having one of those days where I am just so done with everything. Yuck.

Submitted my Hugo nominations, finally. Should have done that earlier, maybe a couple of weeks ago, but I was feeling lazy. Since I can still tweak it, I might add one or two things before the deadline - stuff that I know my friends would nominate if they had memberships, that sort of thing. We'll have to see.

I'll probably get a membership next year as well, just so I can nom Jakub Rozalski for his work as artist on the Scythe boardgame, specifically (I thought it had come out in 2015, but no, it will be released this year). I won't be getting the game myself, because... though I have friends who would love to play a scifi boardgame set in alt-history 1920s northeastern Europe, none of my mates live in the same part of the world that I do. [/throws up hands in exasperation] Why do all the cool people have to live so far away?!

Anyway, I'm sure many of you who are on tumblr have seen the work for this game... like this one and also this and especially "Hussar" has crossed my dash a lot. Ahhh the game sounds so damn cool. And his art is so damn cool. I wish I could buy some of his prints - I don't have room for anything larger than postcard-sized right now.

Speaking of that artist, I'm really curious about his "1863 - Wolfpack" project, which this illustration is for, and many other awesome paintings - but I haven't found many details yet aside from what he has mentioned on his tumblr (maybe I would find more information if I tried searching in Polish? ...No, I'm not going to try) but ahhh it looks so cool. YES more science fiction set in historical Poland, please!

...I swear I had something else to talk about, but I completely forgot what it was, oh well.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3475156.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

hugo awards, gaming, life

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