Random thoughts

Feb 29, 2016 05:45

This morning was so weird.

I got absolutely zero sleep. Kept tossing and turning all night. And for some reason was overwhelmed by fic-related anxiety.

Well, not fic-related, really. I'm pretty happy with my writing. But posting-related... yes.

I just can't shake off this feeling that when I crosspost/link my work outside of my writing journal, I'm shoving it in people's faces.

This is absolutely ridiculous, because I know that there are people who like my writing, and - in the case of tiny fandoms like aRTD and SSSS - there isn't much fic out there, so more is always a good thing. Especially in the case of aRTD. That fandom is so tiny.

So, why do I feel this way? I have no idea. But argh, maybe I should like - if I finish something (not exchange-related things) then maybe I should just put them only at
roesslyng for a while, and not crosspost anything or link anything anywhere, until I feel better about it. Yeah, that might be a good idea.

It's possible that my brain was just being stupid because of lack of sleep. But I was feeling this a bit yesterday too, as well, so... I dunno. [/throws hands in the air] WHATEVER. Anxiety and shyness and nervousness are so damn frustrating.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3468932.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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