We are both lost and we won't be found ♪ ♫ ♪

Feb 25, 2016 20:08

☆ That almost-not-quite headcold came back. And just in time for the weekend, too. I wish my body would decide whether it's going to get sick or not. :| In the meantime: tea.

☆ Started reading Pratchett's Witches Abroad. Was in a bit of a tizzy this morning, because I couldn't decide what on earth to grab to read on the bus, so I just picked up the nearest thing - which I'd set aside since it's next in my chronological Discworld read - but that's all right. You can't go wrong with Pratchett. But this is one that I've only read once, so I barely remember any of it. It's like reading it for the first time all over again. Fun. <3

☆ I hear that the sequel to Pacific Rim is going to be happening. Again. For a while it was apparently cancelled. Now it's happening. (Watch, it'll get cancelled again....) My thoughts on the matter are still the same: I don't want a sequel. I want a prequel about the Kaidanovskys or the Weis or Stacker or any of the stuff that was going on before the first movie. That interests me a lot more. Especially since - well. The first movie wraps up so neatly. I really don't see room to add anything on to that.

☆ Going to see Deadpool tomorrow. Probably. Unless this "maybe headcold" turns into an actual headcold, in which case I'll probably end up spending the entire day in bed, ugh.

☆ Looks like I'm going to need to put together a fic schedule again. Pfwuh. So much to write, so little time. I'm squinting at the calendar and making faces. But! I know that I can make this work if I really put my mind to it. Speaking of which, I realized that I finished three fics for the not-challenge "challenge" that I had going with
dhampyresa (Finish at least 1 fic that is not for a fest/exchange before May 1, and post it somewhere). I'm pleased with myself.

☆ Someone asked me about Joona/Hannu* and, siiigh~ Writing that out was fun, but it also reminded me that I have a ton of aRTD ideas, and getting them all written out is going to be hard (and time-consuming). And it's also going to be difficult, because even as far as that particular pairing goes, there are so many subtle and messy feelings that I want to illustrate with that, and it's going to be hard. Challenging. Different from the way that, say, writing action is challenging, but still challenging. But, we'll see. Challenge accepted. :D

☆ And speaking of aRTD, I got into a nice conversation with someone about it*. <3 It's always so nice to see someone enjoying it so much. Aaaand they reminded me that I really really do need to write Hannu/Ville one of these days... (there is a half-finished thing on my drive, but... hmm.)

☆ And a quick to-do for the weekend:

✿ Make some headway on Super Secret Project
✿ Do some revisions on aRTD sickfic Finished and posted.
✿ And hopefully on the aRTD ghostfic too
✿ Get a few goodies to put in Cof's package Done.
✿ Aaaand mail the package out. * This is not happening this weekend, because of headcold + weather. :|
✿ Finish reading Witches Abroad if possible
✿ Return those library books Not happening this weekend due to headcold.
✿ Clean room as detailed out on Habitica
✿ Aaaand start plotting out for one of the fics due in April. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3468567.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

pacific rim, writing, reading, a redtail's dream, life, movies

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