(no subject)

Feb 23, 2016 21:53

"I'm exchanged out," I said.
"No more," I said.
"Not for a while, anyway."

...And then someone wrote some really awesome SSSS requests for SmutSwap and I completely caved.

[/rushes off to start plotting something for the pairing they asked for]

And there's a second letter with AWESOME requests, but no deets yet because they're still working on it, and oh my goooods all of their pairings and tags look awesome, argh.

[/drags a hand down face] I'm... probably going to want to write two fics, but we'll see. I'll start one soon, but I don't know which.

On a completely different note, aRTD-wise, I finally thought up a way to write Jonna/Riikka get-together fic and I am TOTALLY pumped to write that... as soon as I feel like writing my next dumb self-indulgent aRTD fic, whenever that will be.

It seems like so many of my aRTD fics are dumb self-indulgent nonsense. On the one hand, that's fun. On the other hand, it appeals to fewer people. Which isn't something I care about per se, but I guess it's just - I wish that my specific tastes aligned a little better with the specific tastes of the active fandom, because that would make people happy. I think. But, oh well. I have fun writing that stuff, and some of my friends like it, so... [/shrug]

But man, it took more effort than expected to think of something. Like. I don't know. How the hell do normal human beings interact? [/throws hands in the air] There are still some details for the story that I haven't figured out, because I don't really know how it would go, but I'll think of something eventually, I'm sure. (How is it that I've been in long-term relationships, I've even been engaged, but I don't really have a good understanding of how dating works? Mysteries.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3468188.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, a redtail's dream, stand still stay silent

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