A meme because - why not

Feb 23, 2016 20:50

I'm neglecting my responsibilities, so... have a femslash ship meme that I stole from somebody.

This started as one of those tumblr things where people send you a number and you tell them the answer. But I didn't feel like doing that. So I decided to just go journal-style, yeahhhhh.

01. Favorite femslash ship these days:
Today it's Jonna/Riikka. Yesterday it was Sigrun/Tuuri. Tomorrow? WHO KNOWS. My tastes change all the time.

02. Favorite femslash ship of all time:
Er... one of my original ships, actually, from a bit of worldbuilding that I used to call Amarin but never wrote anything substantial for. Alice the White/Helen the Strong - though I wrote some Amarin stuff, I never wrote about these two, but... hopefully some day I will. The names and some details will probably change, but the main details will stay the same. One is a witch who became a queen! The other is a blacksmith who became a warrior! And there's lots of stuff with like, protection and loyalty and so on. Basically a mage/warrior pairing with added power dynamic and fealty and so on. Etc.

03. Older femslash ship:
This probably means "which have you shipped the longest" but to be honest, I initially read it as "ship with the oldest characters", so let's go with that, haha. IN WHICH CASE, that would probably be Aischa/Livli from The Raven and the Reindeer. Well, okay, they're old in the story, it counts. We don't know much about their relations, but they seem so close. I like to imagine that when they were younger, there was Something between them. :D (Maybe some day they will meet one another again? <3 )

04. Most recent femslash ship:
Gerta/Janna from The Raven and the Reindeer. *_* They are just WAY too cute! I already shipped Gerta/The Robber Girl from the Snow Queen story (at least, as the story is shown in the Soviet animated version, which I'm most familiar with) but it's so much better when they both have the wonderful personalities that T Kingfisher gives them. <3

05. Femslash ship I produced/consumed the most fanworks of:
Produced is ...Probably Ava/Kyoko from Ex Machina. I think. I don't write a lot of femslash, but it was probably that. As for consumed, I don't know either, but I think it's probably Sigrun/Tuuri from SSSS (which isn't saying much because there isn't a lot... I should write more of it).

06. Fluffiest femslash ship:
Jonna/Riikka from A Redtail's Dream by FAR. Good lord. This pairing is sickeningly sweet candyfloss and I just love to daydream about them being happy together forever (because I'm too lazy to write it and plot is hard). They don't really have any personality friction, so any conflict would have to come from the outside (like, say, an apocalypse....)

07. Hottest femslash ship:
I was going to say "I don't have one, because I tend not to approach femslash in that way" - like, I'm in it for romance, and I'm really not into it in a "wow, that's hot" way. But then I remembered Furiosa/Valkyrie is a thing and - you know what, let's just go with that, because it's the closest thing I can think of.

08. Funniest femslash ship:
Azami/Hiyoko from Hatoful Boyfriend. Anything from this game is bound to be delightfully ridiculous (and sad at the same time, but mostly delightfully ridiculous). One is a sparrow who used to be in a biker gang and has excellent fighting skills. The other is a human schoolgirl. I haven't even played the updated version of the game with the Azami route, but I ship it regardless because their interaction even in the old version of the game is just. Pffff. Perfect. <3

09. Saddest femslash ship:
Louise/Charlotte from Wir sind die Nacht. Except it's less sad, I guess, and more completely fucked up. Everything to do with Charlotte is so tragic - Louise took so much from her, and it's horrble! - but I still ship it. Someow. Because yeahhhh....

10. A f/f/f OT3:
Once again, Wir sind die Nacht - Louise/Charlotte/Nora. So fucked up. What a mess. A glorious vampire-y mess. ;V

11. A femslash guilty pleasure:
This one is a guilty pleasure just because it's so weird: Kokko/Swan from aRTD. Because wtf, they're birds.
(I also ship Swan/Kielo. Which is even weirder, come to think of it. At least Kokko/Swan are both birds and both immortal. Don't look at me, I'll just hide over here in the weirdo corner.)

12. A character I headcanon as lesbian without having big ships with her:
Åsa Skärsholm from A Redtail's Dream. Well, "headcanon" isn't really the right word - it isn't quite my default interpretation yet, it's just a possibility that I think about sometimes - but there's nothing in canon to oppose it, so. She was the first aRTD character that I really, really fell in love with (she's so cool!) and then when I got around to reading her character profile, some of the stuff in there got me thinking and... yeah, anyway, I like the idea of lesbian-Åsa, but I don't ship her with any of the other women in aRTD for various reasons, so. But I like the idea enough that maybe some day if I want to write a romance story with her, I'll make up an OC for her to be involved with. Or maybe not.

13. A crossover femslash ship:
Nelvana of the Northern Lights/Wonder Woman. I just think they'd be really compatible. Admittedly, I've only read a few Wonder Woman comics; I know Nelvana a lot better. But from what I've seen of Diana's personality, she'd match up with Nelvana really well. And then there's the whole thing about how they're both literally goddesses, which is fun. Plus, there's something about it that interests me on a meta-level. Both are golden age comic superheroines from the same time period... it's a fun parallel, even though Nelvana fell out of public consciousness post-WWII.

14. A fandom where I have so many femslash ships:
Hard to say, since I tend not to have more than one for any given canon. But one thing I do wonder is: how the hell do I have more than one femslash ship for A Redtail's Dream when all of the female characters are secondary/tertiary and like half of them are animals...?

15. A femslash pairing I like without even being in the fandom:
I've never even seen Avatar/Legend of Korra, but I really appreciate that Korra/Asami exists. If I ever get around to watching it, it'll be because of those two.

...And now I should stop neglecting my responsibilities and go do some laundry, goddamn.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3467906.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, meme

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