
Feb 13, 2016 20:34

☆ I bought some new honey today and oh... my... this stuff is like, the nectar of the gods, it's so good. It's amazing. A-MAZE-ING. It's so good that it seems a shame to put it in my coffee, even if I bought it for that purpose. It's best when enjoyed on its own. But I'd feel awfully ridiculous nomming on a spoonful of honey just by itself. ...It's so good, though. Life's little pleasures. :D

☆ Just over an hour until Chocobox fics are revealed... I'm so filled with anticipation, I'm practically vibrating. I want to read ALL THE THINGS. Or, well, all the stuff posted in my active fandoms, and probably a good deal of the Goblin Emperor stuff as well (10 fics?! Holy crap!) though there are probably some that I will skip over. I'm going to hold off recs until author reveals, aside from my gifts, because otherwise it'll be too easy for people to tell what I did and did not write.

☆ Speaking of which, I finished the aRTD fic that I've been working on for a month or so. In Closed Position AKA 4k of Paju/Hannu fluff in which Hannu teaches her to dance and there is mutual crushing and all this soppy stuff. It was Daéa's idea. <3 SHE HAS SUCH GREAT IDEAS sometimes. I love it. It's so good to have her back from no-internet-land. HOWEVER I really should work on writing more genfic. Or at least finish the ones that I currently have going. (I am not technically taking requests, but I am... accepting ideas for aRTD genfic, if anybody has anything they think I should write.)

☆ ALSO last night Starfallz posted an adorable fanart of Emil and Lalli that she drew based on one of my SSSS fics, and you should all go look at it because it's cute. '3' And I'm so happy about this, ahhhh <3 Someone drawing something based on what I wrote was like, one of my ultimate fic goals. Feels so good!

☆ I did not do half of the things that I'd intended to do today, but I finished that thing, and worked on another thing. And I ran into one of my coworkers while I was at the cafe, so that was a nice surprise. Overall, very good day, even if I slept in like three hours later than I'd originally intended to. A++ 8/10.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3465220.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, chocolate box exchange, a redtail's dream, life, stand still stay silent

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