*Before I get started with this, I'd just like to mention that I've been feeling a little weird and unsocial lately, so if I end up acting weird and unsocial, well... there you go. ;V Anyway! Onward.
Finished reading: On the Head of a Pin by Janet Kellough. I think that I said everything I wanted to say about this in my previous entry. Tl;dr: Historical crime novel series set in mid-1800s Canada. I received this and another for Christmas; I liked it well enough that reading the second won't be a hardship. Though I don't know if I would seek these out, exactly. The prose is a little on the bland side. But I liked the point-of-view character, the setting, and the mystery well enough, so...! Not too bad. I can forgive less-than-sparkling prose for a solid story and good research.
Currently reading: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett. I forgot how utterly weird this book is. Those shopping carts... what. Though I must admit, I always love a good Death book, and this one sure is good. I can see why I've seen people list it as a favourite. It's also interesting to explore the life of the undead in Ankh-Morpork - I came to this book long after I'd been reading the Discworld series, so I was always familiar with Reg Shoe as a member of the Watch, rather than in the kind of role he has in this novel. Anyway - this isn't one of my favourite Discworld books, but I have been having a good time with it. :D
(Edit) Oh my gods, some of that stuff with Miss Flitworth, toward the end... I almost cried. Help. ;;;;
Also reading: Still reading Love Poems by Pablo Neruda. Still enjoying the hell out of it. <3 His work is lovely.
Reading next: I have no idea. Ursula Vernon T. Kingfisher is going to be releasing a new novel soon, The Raven and the Reindeer. But I haven't read their preview novel, Bryony and Roses yet, even though I've had it for months. So I should get around to that. I haven't read Castle Hangnail yet, either... though I'm not sure if I've bought that one. (But I should. Because Ursula Vernon <3 ) ...Apparently she's also putting together a
colouring book. Which is not reading-related, obviously, but still pretty cool (and of course I will need one for my Ursula collection.)
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