
Jan 23, 2016 22:53

Here, have a boring "stuff that I did today" entry:

☆ Went and mailed the package to the person who won my book draw, hooray! Now it's up to the mercy of the postal services. But I paid for tracking and insurance, so it should be... fine... I think. Thank gods I had the foresight to save some of my Christmas money, because that was expensive. And I feel kind of oddly guilty about spending it on something like this, but I think that's because family always gets on my case when they find out I've spend my 'present money' on boring practical things. But like, what would I have spent it on otherwise? Candy, books, music, cologne. Y'know. Stuff I don't need. This, well. It's important and I reallly didn't want to cheap out on postage. Here's hoping it won't take a month to get to its destination... [/crosses fingers]

☆ IT WAS WARM TODAY. IT WAS -12C. I was so happy. Hella' snowy, though. I made the mistake of wearing sneakers instead of snowboots, and the walk to the post office is 40 minutes, and... let's just say I regret everything. 8') But dealing with snowy wet jeans was totally worth it. PLUS!! I SAW A FOX! It was hanging out by the recycle bins, playing in the snow. I tried to get a photo, but I'm not used to using the camera on my mp3 player, so it turned out a little bit... um... well... See for yourself:

BEHOLD THE MAJESTIC FOXIPEDE. Always make sure you have the panorama setting turned off before attempting wildlife photos. ;p

☆ I wrote today! A lot! Well, not as much as some days, but it was a lot. I've smashed through my wordcount goal for the month; it's kind of crazy. Anyway, it was a pornfic that I'm allllmost finished wording on, so it's great that I managed to be able to go to the cafe today. ...It's kind of funny, I keep hearing people say that they're embarrassed to write that kind of thing in public, because of a feeling that somebody might see it. But like. If somebody is close enough to read my scribbly handwriting, then we have way bigger problems than the fact that I'm writing that kind of thing in public. And ditto for laptop/tablet screens: those screens aren't that big! Unless you're writing in like, 16 pt font, nobody's going to be able to see that unless they're getting way more close and snoopy than they should. ...And that's my feeling on that.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3458826.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, weather, photopost, life

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