
Jan 08, 2016 22:38

☆ PSA: I'm running a draw for SSSS Book 1, so for those who don't have it yet, you can find out how to enter here. (And if you're one of those people without a tumblr, I'm managing entries with a spreadsheet, so just contact me on Dreamwidth or something. Sockpuppets are okay too. [/LOOKS AT CERTAIN FOLKS])

☆ On the one hand, I feel randomly chatty. On the other hand, I'm in one of those moods where I feel like I should apologize for my general existence. Yeah, brain. Okay. I don't know what you're doing, but okay, you have your little hissy fit, I'll just... sit over here and wait it out.

☆ I probably should have gone for a run tonight, but I didn't, because I ended up watching a film with the horror movie gang for the first time in a couple of weeks - I'd missed the last few because my computer was just plain having none of it. Couldn't handle the stream. It worked well enough tonight, though. We watched Skeleton Key (2005), which... was a pretty interesting film, actually; a little weird, but quite decent, not a bad horror movie at all. Though it could be that I haven't been overexposed to the particular tropes this one deals with; I haven't watched a lot of "US South with creepy swamps and hoodoo" stuff. Unfortunately, I probably shouldn't have watched this film. It deals with some things that turn all the wrong cranks in my head. If I end up having intrusive thoughts in the next couple of days, I will know why. But, it's my fault that I didn't read the summary and didn't look up details. If I had, I would have known what I was getting into.

☆ Anyway. Holy crap, I just came across Walk Off the Earth's cover of "Rude", and it's so good! This song is 100% better with a female singer (and the pronouns unchanged). I kind of want to write something based on it, but I'm racking my brain and none of my femslash pairings seem like they would fit. The only one that comes close is aRTD Jonna/Riikka and... nah, it doesn't really fit, because I really can't imagine Jouko Kuikka telling Riikka "No, you can't marry my daughter". (Though, Riikka's parents - we know nothing about them/their personalities, so maybe... Plus the "Wow, rude. Screw you, we're getting married anyway" reaction feels very Jonna, haa.) Bah, maybe I should just try writing an original thing, kind of like what I did with that mermaid story based on the #findthegirlsonthenegatives photos. Or offer/request it for Jukebox? Though Jukebox falls smack dab in the middle of Nordipalooza, and I don't think that I'd be able to participate in an exchange if I'm running the fest; there's just no time.

☆ And this is where I publicly confess that I might not run Nordipalooza this year. I don't know. I'm considering it. When it gets a little closer to the usual signup time, I'll run a poll to check interest. But interest in Hetalia events held on Dreamwidth has fallen a lot since I first started it up, and the format isn't what's popular in that fandom any more, and I don't know if there would be enough interest for me to bother doing it.

☆ My plans to get up tomorrow morning will probably be dashed. But that's okay. As long as I manage to get a good run in, things should be fine. I'm kind of curious about seeing if I can read while on the treadmill. I've never tried it before, and I forsee two possible outcomes: best-case scenario, it works, and I'll be able to nom through another chunk of Beauty is a Wound. Worst-case scenario, I trip over my own feet and everything ends in tears.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3456227.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

reading, music, nordipalooza, stand still stay silent, writing, mental health, life, movies

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