(no subject)

Jan 08, 2016 11:54

THAT FEELING when you draft a thing and it ends up being... completely not what you want, because you didn't have a defined idea, and it just turns out noodly. Ugh. Totally making the stink eye at this thing that I wrote, yo. I think I might be able to smack it around until it becomes something different, but it's more work than I would have liked to do. Take a chainsaw to it, basically. Well, whatever works....

It's still very cold out. I am still very Not Happy about it. I'm sure it will continue to be very cold out for the foreseeable future. :| Hopefully it will lighten up a little on the weekend, but I am... going to try not to hope too hard.

Chocobox matching is running. Crossing my fingers that it'll be quick. I want to know what my assignment is! There are a lot of possible matches, which is a relief. I mean, even one would be okay, but the possibility of being surprised by who I'm assigned to is great. And someone other than me is offering aRTD!! They didn't sign up, alas, but... the possibility that I might get aRTD fic... *_* Ahhhhhh <3 (It's... kind of frustrating, being the only person writing in a particular fandom.)

I have two different packages on their way to me and ughhh why won't it arrive already, goddamn. :| I want my Finnish spellbook! [/grumps]

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3455872.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, chocolate box exchange, life

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