
Jan 01, 2016 17:04

My brain has been going a mile a minute for the last two days. It's been very exciting, but I'm going to try to make myself calm down, because if I don't, I'm going to completely wear myself out. I've been very excited about absolutely everything in general, but it was also overwhelming, and now I feel the need to apologize for spam, lack of attention span, and the fact that there is no air in space.

Or something.

Plans tonight: Tea and lots of it. Writing, perhaps. Or reading, maybe. I have so many books that I need to finish, and there are a few in the mail that I haven't received, so I should try to knock a few off the to-read list, I guess. Regardless, something... quiet. And calming. Yes, that's definitely in order.

I hope that you all had a nice first day of the new year, or that it was at least tolerable.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3453070.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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