Chocolate Box Exchange Letter :。・:*:・゚'❀

Jan 01, 2016 11:30

Dear Chocolatier,

Hi! I'm looking forward to being your recipient. I hope you'll have fun creating fanwork for me. I've tried to provide prompts that can apply for both fic and art, so hopefully no matter which medium you're working with, you'll be able to get some ideas. I'm really looking forward to seeing whatever you come up with!

Two of the fandoms I'm requesting (A Redtail's Dream, and Stand Still, Stay Silent) were ones I also requested for Yuletide, so if the prompts here don't inspire you, my Yuletide letter might.

(By the way, comments/questions are welcome! :D )

General likes and dislikes

❀ Likes: Fluff. Bite-sized moments of peace/happiness in the middle of a larger conflict. Hurt/comfort. Characters dealing with the aftermath of nightmares. Characters telling/reading stories to one another. Food/tea/cooking as a form of comfort. Small gestures (physical or otherwise) that express more than words. Language barriers. Canon-typical violence. Canon-typical horror.

Art-specific likes: cool colour schemes (esp. blues/whites), warm neutrals, canon-typical palettes, limited colour palettes. Backgrounds (including simple ones). Characters wearing period clothing/traditional clothing (when applicaple). Physical gestures, especially hugs/hand-holding/hair-touching/falling asleep on one another. A lot of the romance pairs I have requested are rare, and any romantic fanart (hand-holding, cuddling, kissing?) would make me so happy.

❀ Please do not include: AUs unless otherwise noted, unrequested crossovers, in-text languages other than English, non-canon character death, sexual violence. For art, I'm not a big fan of pastel colour palettes, unless it's mostly shades of blue/white. Beyond that, no major preferences.

❀ Format: For fic, I'm happy with 3rd person past tense in prose, but I also appreciate unusual formats, including but not limited to 1st person, present tense, second person, epistolary format, drabble sequences, poetry, etc. For art, I'm open to pretty much anything, including styles widely different from canon.

❀ About shipping: In the cases where I've requested both & and / versions of pairings, I've folded them together in the prompts, because a lot of the things I like about friendship-duos are things I like about romantic pairings too. It's like that line from the film Kal Ho Naa Ho - "the first step to love is friendship, and the last is friendship too; it's the middle that's left". Oh, and one thing - unless otherwise noted, it's probably best to avoid porn (unless you know me and my tastes), though I'm fine with sex being referred to as something that exists.

Frozen (2013) :。・:*:・゚'❀

Requested pairings: Elsa & Kristoff (Frozen)

Fandom-Specific Details

❀ This section is much shorter than the others, BUT that's only because my Frozen desires are very simple and straghtforward (annnd I'm only requesting the one character duo), not because I like it any less.

❀ I have not seen Frozen Fever yet, and I don't know any of the supplementary canon. I don't mind if anything in there is referred to, but keep in mind that if you reference it, I might not get the reference.

❀ While I'm not formally requesting Anna/Kristoff, I'm totally okay with having that pairing included in addition to the Elsa & Kristoff relations. :D I love the idea of them forming special bonds with one another, of friendship, familial love, and (in Anna and Kristoff's case) romance too.


❀ Elsa & Kristoff: The first time I saw the film, I was overwhelmed with a desire for Elsa to have friends. I'd love something involving Elsa being pals with Kristoff. <3 Maybe they could go ice skating together? Or he could take her for a ride in the sled she bought for him? Maybe he could introduce her to Sven. :D Or to his troll family! (Especially considering, I'm sure that Kristoff and Anna would eventually get serious about the relationship, maybe even married - Elsa would want to get to know the parents of her future brother-in-law, yes?)

A Redtail's Dream (Webcomic) :。・:*:・゚'☆

Canon resources: aRTD webcomic Site | Character profiles | aRTD @ my tumblr | aRTD @ my DW
Requested pairings: Any!
Available pairings: Hannu Viitanen & Ville (A Redtail's Dream), Hannu Viitanen/Ville (A Redtail's Dream), Hannu Viitanen/Paju Kinnunen, Paju Kinnunen/Ville (A Redtail's Dream), Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm

Fandom-Specific Details

☆ Likes: Magic. Slice-of-life fluff. Canon-typical hurt/comfort and/or canon-typical whump. Incorporation of mythology/folklore in a canon-typical way, if possible.

☆ If you have any of your own ideas for these, feel free to write/draw that as long as it doesn't hit any of my dislikes. There is so little fic/art for this canon, and I would love a surprise.

☆ SSSS crossover: I love, love, love the idea of the aRTD folks being hit with the apocalypse from Stand Still, Stay Silent and having to struggle to survive. It pushes all my buttons. And since the village of Hokanniemi technically exists in SSSS's prologue universe, these canons are compatible. ;D So, consider this a general like for all of the above pairings - trying to protect those they love and helping each other survive during Year 0 of SSSS's apocalypse. Though please keep in mind the "no character death" thing from my general dislikes.


☆ Hannu & Ville or Hannu/Ville: I like them equally as gen or pairing, so feel free to do either or leave it ambiguous. (Though if it's / then I only want it post-canon, please... but & can be dog-Ville or human-Ville, both are fine.) I love how loyal Ville is, how he takes care of Hannu in his own way, and vice versa. Ville seems to be the only one Hannu can tolerate for an extended period of time, but what would it be like for them to live together post-canon? Would Ville have difficulty adjusting? Would Hannu have difficulty adjusting? Alternately: slice-of-life fluff with cuddles. :D Or spending time with one another out in nature. I think that's something they'd enjoy together very much. <3

☆ Hannu/Paju: I like the idea of them having a crush on one another basically forever, but never really being able to admit it. They're both prickly in their own way; I love the friction between them. They get on one another's nerves juuuust right. I'd love something where one of them is finally sick of being in denial and does something about it. Or any UST-y moments leading up to that. Fanart wise, draw them cozying up to each other, or kissing, and I will want to kiss you. ;p

☆ Paju/Ville: I will confess that I love allll the cuddly fluff with these two. Cuddly fluff with a bit of suspicion. I think that Paju would come to like Ville very quickly, as he has a very amiable and sweet personality, but she would also be suspicious of him too, because things just don't add up with him. So, I can see her becoming fond of him, and vice versa, while he tries to keep his secret, and she tries to find out what it is. ... Orrr romantic fluff is always nice too. Cuddles, kisses, forehead touching. <3 Eeeee!

☆ Jonna/Riikka: I know they have barely any canon interaction, but I ship it anyway. They probably know each other pretty well, considering they've been in the same friend group forever. I think their personalities would go together in a really fun way - they'd be a "goofy girl/sweet girl" kind of pairing. I'd be happy with slice-of-life sweetness - walking through woods together, boating together, baking things, slowdancing together, that sort of fluff. And I like to imagine that many many years after canon, they would run the Kuikka store together. They're just a very simple and sweet pairing to me. <3

Hetalia: Axis Powers :。・:*:・゚'❀

Requested pairings: Russia (Hetalia) & Norway (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia)/Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia)/Netherlands (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia)/Norway (Hetalia)

Fandom-Specific Details

❀ Likes: Historical settings, historical clothing. Anything with a well-defined sense of "place", where the setting is important, no matter if that setting is a battlefield or someone's bedroom. Emphasis on the nations as personifications. Geographical innuendo.

❀ Please do not include: Human names (please use nation names only), unrequested AUs, 2P, American settings of any kind, in-text languages other than English.


❀ Russia & Norway: The main context that interests me for these two is the Pomor Trade, the historical trade relationship that existed between northern Russia and northern Norway. These were relations that were only between them; it wasn't really moderated by the powers that Norway was under at the time. So, I like to imagine something developing between them - be it friendship, or something else - and bonds forming. And maybe, after this relationship was broken, they both miss what they used to have. Maybe they would find something, a memento from those days, and remember it - and miss it, because even if things aren't the same now, that doesn't mean that they didn't ever have something special.

❀ Norway/Sweden: I love quiet moments, when they don't need to say much, but they understand one another anyway. I think they would find ways to express their affection far better than words. ... But I also confess that I like them in historical settings, especially during their 19th-century union, especially if it's a little fucked up. Especially if there is a lot of UST. Especially if, when things finally get physical, it's rough and sharp and inappropriate and neither of them wants to admit just how much they want it. (If you feel like writing breathplay, I would love breathplay for these two, just saying.) I like the idea of neither of them being happy during that time, but finding something in one another.

❀ Denmark/Netherlands: Denmark is noisy, but Netherlands tolerates him. Sometimes he doesn't even know why. They've grown close over time, and somehow it just works. Their relations are physical, and Denmark does most of the talking. Denmark steals Netherlands' cigarettes, and somehow Netherlands doesn't mind. For historical settings, I'd love anything set during the 17th century. There are some fics set during their alliance, but I could always do with more. Netherlands is looking out for his own interests, and Denmark knows this, but he likes the guy anyway.

❀ Netherlands/Norway: When I think of these two, I think of flowers, rabbits, and coziness. Neither of them are very talkative, so I think they'd enjoy quiet moments together, no matter if it's gardening together, playing with Netherlands' rabbit, cycling together, or camping in Norway's mountains. I also think they'd both love sailing. Alternately, for historical settings, maybe something from earlier days, when they were first getting to know one another, and becoming attracted (though unable to admit it); I tend to prefer the 17th century for this, when Netherlands was allied with Denmark-Norway. Perhaps Netherlands would take interest in Norway, who hangs around Denmark like a shadow....

Stand Still Stay Silent :。・:*:・゚'☆

Canon Details: SSSSComic website | Character profiles | SSSS Wiki | SSSS @ my tumblr | SSSS @ my DW
Requested pairings: Lalli Hotakainen & Emil Västerström, Lalli Hotakainen/Emil Västerström, Sigrun Eide & Emil Västerström, Sigrun Eide/Emil Västerström, Michael Madsen/Signe Sørensen, Lalli Hotakainen & Onni Hotakainen

Fandom-Specific Details

☆ Likes: Canon-typical horror, canon-typical whump. Hurt/comfort. Characters getting injured (though not too badly!!). Magic/folklore. Affection combined with adventure. Fear that someone is a gonner, and relief when they turn out to be safe. People protecting one another.

☆ If you have any of your own ideas for these and want to use it instead of my prompts, feel free to write/draw that as long as it doesn't hit any of my dislikes. I would love a surprise!


☆ Lalli & Emil or Lalli/Emil: I love their canon-typical relationship, so friendship is fine, but romance is nice too. :) What I like about them is all the little gestures - the hair-touching that Emil does, the pat-pat-pat thing that Lalli does, the way Emil tries to look out for Lalli, at least as best as he can. They do so well at communicating, even when they have no clue what the other is saying. It's sweet. Romance-wise, I like to think of them trying to navigate their way around that, how they would manage that without words... somehow I have the feeling it wouldn't be too difficult for them. ;) Alternately, put them into action together, and I'll be happy. Emil and Lalli vs trolls: WHO WILL WIN? (Hopefully not the trolls...)

☆ Sigrun & Emil or Sigrun/Emil: It's awfully tempting to simply request "please give me something with them cuddling, or alternately, ALL THE NOOGIES AND HAIR-RUFFLES" ahaha... I love their Mentor+Protege relations, how Sigrun is totally willing to take on her little buddy and form him into a great warrior, but also how she has quiet moments toward him too, where she's very... understanding. Pairing-wise, I enjoy seeing it as Emil developing an unrequited crush on his captain, though I do also like the potential idea of it being reciprocal post-expedition. (She did call him 'pretty', after all... and she seems fond of him.) And I love the idea of mutual feelings developing as they try to save and protect one another and their friends in the silent world, but neither of them voicing those feelings, because they know that now is not a good time. ...And also I confess that part of what I find appealing about these two in a romance/UST context is the large difference in age/experience/rank/etc.

☆ Michael Madsen/Signe Sørensen: Such sass, wow. What appeals to me most is the idea of them falling in love as the world falls apart around them. I would love anything to do with them - no matter if it's the very earliest days of Year 0, when they're still just getting to know each other, or something a little later on, after they've fallen in love. How would they realize it? Would they want to admit it? What would be the push that finally brings them together? Or, just tiny moments - resting against one another when the day's work is finally done, playing with Michael's cat, looking out at the horizon and thinking of what they left behind, hearing news of what's happening in the world outside of Bornholm and being terrified that it might all come crashing down on them.

☆ Lalli Hotakainen & Onni Hotakainen: I love their familial relationship, and the Mentor + Protege thing that they have going on. I love how concerned Onni is about Lalli, how he seems protective of him, even if Lalli doesn't necessarily feel he wants that protection. That moment when they met in the dreamworld for the first time after Lalli left Finland was really touching; that "I'm glad to see you" moment. Anything dealing with them in a family and/or mentor capacity would be great - especially if, somehow, it isn't only Lalli learning from Onni, but vice versa, as well.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or at the original entry.

chocolate box exchange, exchange letters

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