Tie your scarf on tight; it's to be a cold night

Dec 24, 2015 16:40

Today went as well as could be expected, and I think the same will be said for tomorrow. For now, let's focus on nice little things! Yuletide hasn't gone live quite yet, and SSSS exchange hasn't either, but there's still lots of things making me happy.

☆ Nice things in the mail. Marshmallows from Tesla, a card from Coffee... And also I finally opened the box that Mélusine sent me; oh my gods you guys, she sent me so many delightful little sweets and tea and and and. ;-; And also some nice yarn that I really MUST do something special with, though I'm not sure what (Handwarmers? I've been meaning to make myself some... It gets so cold at work, ugh....)

☆ Also, Laufey mailed me the painting she did of my SSSSona, as well as another one. I was only expecting an ordinary card, geeze...! I have the best friends. ;3;

;3; This was SO UNEXPECTED and I am so damn appreciative, ahhh. <3 Ahaha and yes, that's her troll ssssona yoinking my writings, yes. Hmmm I'm going to have to see if I can find some suitable frames for these, or at least for the first one. Will have to measure....

☆ The SSSS/aRTD Advent Calendar is now complete and can be viewed here. I recommend using Rabbit's calendar navigation to jump to the entries, because there are a lot of them. It's mostly fanart, but there are some fics as well. (Including an aRTD fic by yours truly ;D But I think I linked to that one already.)

☆ And this was also for the calendar but anyway - Solo made a Twine game, Emil's Christmas Quest, and it's basically a choose-your-own-adventure game in which you follow Emil through the day as he makes an ass of himself in various ways. (Or, alternately, makes the world a little bit better and gains some empathy points. Heh.) You can proooobably guess why that would appeal to me... ;p

☆ Also, completely unexpected, my copy of Dry Season Only arrived today. This is a book that came out of a collaborative project that Ursula Vernon was doing with a bunch of other artists; they crowdfunded for a trip to Botswana and put together this book of art+photographs as the incentive. I will confess, I was only really interested in Ursula's contribution, but after flipping through it quickly, I see some pretty neat things overall, so I'm looking forward to reading it. And I guess if I ever decide to take a trip to Botswana, it might give me a few ideas, heh. ("African nature-watching trip" doesn't really seem like it'd be up my alley, cool though it is, but you never know....) Anyway, I'm looking forward to adding it to my collection of miscellaneous Ursula Vernon stuff. <3

☆ ... Anyway. Looking forward to what people will say about the stuff I wrote for Yuletide, but I know I have a while to wait for that, probably a day or two at least. [/eyes the collection] But, the betas liked 'em, at least, so that's a good sign. ^^

☆ I hope everyone had a good day. And that those who didn't managed to get through in one piece.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3450856.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, friends, a redtail's dream, life, stand still stay silent, ursula vernon

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