(no subject)

Dec 05, 2015 21:29

Mrrrrh I'm feeling really braindead and noncommunicative right now, so I'll just... backdate this. Yes.

I stayed up way too late last night, and got up at fucking 5 AM today, and I just... Why? I don't even know.

I spent way too much time working on Yuletide fic. And all of it was editing via computer. Result: My wrists are so sore, yo. Handwriting only tomorrow, yep. And I'll work on my aRTD ghost story fic only, not exchange stuff. I'm all set for Yuletide, anyway. WELL - not exactly, but my assignment is uploaded, one treat is uploaded, another is revised enough that I could submit it tomorrow if I had to, because it's complete and revised even if it isn't perfectly polished. And the other... is a lot shorter and needs some revising but it isn't that big of a deal, really.

So. That's that, then.

I feel super insecure about a bunch of things right now, but... oh, whatever. I'll deal with it later. It isn't really something I'm comfortable talking about. Not even if I locked this entry. So... is it what it is.

Maybe I should do a reading later or something.

Man, this day started out okay, but I'm suddenly feeling sad, and I don't know why. ... I think a run is in order. Yep.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3446539.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, life

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