Bits and Bites

Nov 14, 2015 19:11

☆ Write-in #3 went very well. Still kind of iffy on whether I will make friends with these people, but I sure do find that we work well together. Continuing meetups post-NaNo seems unlikely, but I'm starting to suspect that I will be spending a lot of time at the library for writing in the near future. Sounds good to me.

☆ Anyway - worked on some Hetalia fic at the write-in; haven't done any of that recently, so it was interesting. Pairing was Netherlands/Japan, which is one of those ones that I like a lot but have a lot of trouble writing. Netherlands is easy enough, but Japan is a difficult guy to characterize. Also, started working on Yuletide treat #2. Going well so far. Should edit treat #1... it doesn't have as many problems as I initially thought, but it had a particular set of difficult scenes that need a lot of work done on them.

☆ Took a look at some fanpoetry I wrote earlier this month and... I did not hate it! Initially I hated it, but looking at it with fresh eyes, it's actually not bad. I'm pretty happy with it. Did some adjustments, needs a bit more tweaking, but that's all. The fandom is Ex Machina, so it'll probably go up only on
roesslyng, unless I get brave enough to throw it on Ao3. I doubt that will happen. (Now, if it were SSSS or aRTD, I would not feel conflicted at all, seeing as those fandoms are so open to poetry....)

☆ Yesterday, worked on some Norwegian for the first time in about two months. It was... uh. Well. It sure was something. Mostly just futzing around on Duolingo. Remembered some vocab, forgot some others... verbs are always difficult, I always forget them, I don't know why. But I remembered more than I thought I did, which is something, I guess. Should probably do more norsk blogging on here, but most of the time my brain is like "ugh, no, why", so we'll see. Like, I want to do it, but I don't want to put in any effort. Um. Also, I decided to turn off the audio, after seeing discussions from native Norwegian speakers about how the audio is really, really inadequate and likely to teach mistakes... The audio questions were kind of making my computer throw a fit, anyway.

☆ Currently disgruntled because I lost a brand new pendant and I have reason to think that it is truly gone rather than scattered somewhere around the house. It had been in my bag, and wasn't properly secured, and since I've been out and about, well... Yes. The funny thing is, it's a charm meant to prevent the wearer from getting lost. Apparently that doesn't come with any guarantee that you won't lose it. ;p

☆ Have I mentioned that I really hate Christmas shopping? Well, not for friends, because my friends are wonderful and easy to buy for, but family is just. [/VAGUE GESTURES] Difficult. Argh. Well, hopefully I will get all my shopping done soon. Then I can just wrap everything and Not Think About It until the relevant day. :T ... I need to buy cards, too. (Must put that on the to-do list.)

☆ If you haven't listened to Walk Off the Earth's cover of Somebody That I Used To Know, you should, it's awesome.

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writing, nanowrimo, languages: duolingo, music, life, languages: norwegian

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