I like writing a little too much

Nov 13, 2015 05:59

That moment when you're feeling loopy for no particular reason. And then you look at the calendar and go "... Oh." WELL THEN. (My depression episodes are cyclical and somewhat predictable. Except that I keep forgetting to predict them. Anyway. The train with the brain-trolls on it arrived right on time, as it were.)

No wonder I've been feeling out of sorts.

Anyway! Work is a clusterfuck but - well, actually, the less said about that, the better.

I have another NaNo write-in to go to! On Saturday, this time. Wow, am I acquiring a social life? This feels so strange. Also feels good, though. I'm really happy about it. There was some discussion about continuing to do these things after November is over, because everyone in the group likes writing, but... well, it's a little early to say. But that would be nice. Or maybe I could continue to make the effort to go to the library on weekends... it really is an annoying bus ride, but we have a really, really nice library, so.

I, um. I might have signed up for Yet Another Fandom Writing Thing even though I said "no more events!!". The SSSSForum is doing a fanwork advent calendar and... yeah. It sounded like fun. Fortunately, the fic only has to be bite-sized, and I'm nearly finished drafting it already! Which is good, because I decided to volunteer to post on the 1st... oh man.

Oh, gods. Between Yuletide and other exchanges, I have so much stuff that's going to need to be proofread. Hellllllp, sob. (Um. No. Really. I'm going to need help. I don't care about full-on beta stuff per se, don't need somebody that knows the canons, but I need a typo-catcher at the very least; I can read over my work a dozen times, but small errors always slip through.)

Gah, well, that's something to address after I have edited drafts. I mean, it's not like I can send any of my drafts off to people at the moment, they still have tons of work that needs doing. I'll just... ignore it for now.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3441780.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, nanowrimo, life

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