
Oct 26, 2015 18:48

Socializing is hard lately. I think it's because I still have a cold. It's hard to be friendly and cheerful when you're a coughy mess.

... Also had a lot of moments lately where I feel generally embarrassed by my own existence, which, uh, does not help matters. I feel like I'm putting my foot in my mouth every time I open it. :T Well, anyway.

It's supposed to snow on Wednesday. Let's hope the weather network is wrong. Then again, let's hope it doesn't rain, either, because that's worse.

Finished reading War of the Worlds. Going to start a re-read of the Kalevala... tomorrow. Probably. Last time I read it, I was "racing" with someone else to see how quickly we could get through it... I'm going to take my time this time.

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weather, reading, life

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