
Oct 24, 2015 20:22

Today was pretty productive on the writing front, and... not at all on any other front.

-Did a final-final revision for the treat I wrote for
trickortreatex. Completed it like a month ago and I figured I might as well do some last-minute tweaking.
-Slapped down maybe 400 words on that aRTD ghost story, which is now definitely not going to be finished in time for Halloween, alas. But that's okay. Ghost stories are good at any time of year.
-Wrote about 500 words on a Yuletide treat (... it's going to need a lot more).
-Typed up draft of an Emil/Lalli fic for the SSSS prompt meme on tumblr. Draft is finished, but it needs... something. Well, revisions in general, but it's lacking oomph. I'll need to sit on it a while and then look at it later.

And I did basically nothing else. Came home after hanging at the cafe for a bit, flopped into bed, and passed out for a couple of hours. Then wrote more in the evening. I don't know why I randomly fall asleep on weekend afternoons; maybe I just get so little sleep during the week that I need to catch up. Or something.

Started my secret indexing project yesterday. First part went easy enough, but after this point, it will be harder. This thing is going to be hell on my wrists, but it's a project with a defined end, so that's all right. It's probably a good thing that I'm not kink meme indexing any more; disappointing that I never did complete it, but I don't think I would be able to handle it nowadays, physically.

Feeling a little melancholy for no particular reason... It's probably just my brain doing its thing again. I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

[edit] Oh, and I made some quick autumn icons, if anyone's interested in that. Landscapes and assorted other autumny things. They're over here.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3435947.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

trickortreatex, indexing, icons, writing, life

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