
Oct 06, 2015 20:27

Today was a little bit blah, but then the fic I've been following updated, and suddenly everything is better.


It also helps that I started reading a pretty interesting book. But I won't write about that now (running short on time...)

Another thing: I finally finished watching Rome. I'm... still digesting it. Overall, I think that I preferred the first season. But the second has its moments, definitely. One issue that I ran into was there was just so much onscreen boning and eventually I'd just be like "Again? Really?" and fastforward through it. Not that the violence was much better (I can be squeamish at times) but at least it tended to have more obvious plot relevance. But I'd watch the series again, sure, though partly that's just because I love Pullo so damn much.

And now I'm stuck on what to watch next; it'll probably be either Weiss Kreuz for the zillionth time, or Anno 1790 for the... fourth time. Hmm. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3431329.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

tv: rome, life

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