Happy October!
Maaannn... I'm trying to write a horror fic right now (well, it's an aRTD fic, but the plot involves a haunting), and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never written horror before. The closest I've ever come was the nightmare sequences in that one LoZ fic that I wrote. So this will be, er, challenging. Very. Setting aside time to work on this in the evenings is hard, though it'll be a little easier now that the treat that I was writing for that exchange is complete. I'm going to try to get it done, because even though it isn't a Halloween fic, I really want to try to get it done before Halloween, since it is a scary story - or at least, it'll be scary if I manage to do everything I want to do with it.
You'd think that someone who loves horror as much as I do would have an easier time writing it! But, I suppose not. The only way to learn is by doing, I guess. And this reminds me that I do have a few original horror stories that I wanted to write... eventually... Like that one set in a restaurant in Halifax. I keep thinking about it from time to time, but I'm not quite ready to write it. WELL, maybe some day.
Anyway. Work was exhausting today. ... Actually, I was going to talk about that, but now that I think of it, how about no.
Happy little things: Cornbread muffins, man. Deeeelish.
Another happy little thing: One of my friends drew my dumb self-insert SSSS OC. Not only that, she drew my dumb self-insert OC as a card in her awesome SSSS tarot series, and the card she chose for him is actually my favourite card (Knight of Cups). I am absolutely floored with joy. She posted it yesterday, and I am still grinning over it
*. eeeEEEE
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