Bits and Bites

Sep 16, 2015 18:57

✿ The leaves are starting to turn! Ugh, already? Well, it's only a few, but still. I see gold, and it's not the kind of gold I want to see - cash only, please, toss those loonies here. But leaves? No thank you, I'll pass! Too early for this, grumble grumble. I'm not ready for it to be autumn. The mornings are already too cold.

✿ I ordered some sample vials from a fragrance shop I haven't tried before (TravelingVardo on etsy) because their seasonal autumn scents sounded interesting and clearly I don't have enough scents already. (A complete lie, of course; I absolutely do.) Really excited to try them, but it'll be a while before they arrive, I think. Iiiii... suspect that I won't be ordering anything else from the States for a while; the price conversion made me want to scream.

✿ That feeling! When you feel the need to press your face into a pillow and SCREAM because you love a fictional character that much. Oh, boy. (I just... really have a thing for Emil, oh man. I should make some icons of him or, like, something. I can't believe I haven't done that already.) Which makes it a little odd that I find it difficult to come up with fic ideas for him, but I'm sure I'll hit the right button eventually. ... Also on the subject of SSSS graphic stuff, some people have been doing lyric edits (like this one that Haiz did) and aaah that looks fun, I want to do one too! Probably to "Spent Gladiator 1" because seriously, perfect. But the thought of combing through the comic to find suitable panels for everything makes my brain go "mrrrrr, no". ... Well, maybe on the weekend....

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weather, fragrance, life, stand still stay silent

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