Some thoughts on the Mad Max: Fury Road OST

Jun 23, 2015 06:07

I've been listening to the soundtrack for Mad Max: Fury Road, and thought I'd talk about it a little. Overall, I'm not really the best person to talk about what makes a good soundtrack, since I don't listen to a lot of soundtrack music. But I do know what I like, so why not?

I have the deluxe soundtrack, which contains a lot of extended editions. Right now, I'm not able to do any comparisons to the regular editions of the OST tracks, but it would be interesting to see what the differences are.

A lot of the tracks on this OST are ones that serve their purpose in the film, in that they're decent tracks to back whatever is going on in the foreground, but they are relatively unobtrusive and unremarkable and aren't necessarily good for personal listening. There are a few, however, that do stand out really nicely.

Even with the songs that do stand out, I recommend listening to this OST with good headphones. It isn't the kind that I feel would do well on a stereo. Or at least, not for me - I'm not hard of hearing, but some low/subtle sounds aren't easy for me to hear without certain equipment, and there is a lot of that in this soundtrack.

I'm going to just list a few of my favourites, even though there are others not listed here that I do like.

Blood Bag:
There are some slow/unobtrusive parts, but that isn't the whole track. It builds up to an awesome crescendo of action and drums - as well as some hella cool riffs.

Storm is Coming:
An intense track for an intense scene. Leaving aside the scenes with the Doof Wagon, the Storm scene was one of the more memorable ones for me music-wise; often it didn't really grab my attention in the movie, but at this part, it did.

Brothers in Arms:
One of the best tracks on the OST. If I were to only recommend one track from the album, it would be this one.

The Chase:
This is essentially the atmosphere of every chase scene in the movie distilled into one track of awesome. I'm not sure which specific scene this would have been used in, but it's a good summary of the general feeling as a whole.

Many Mothers:
The most compelling of the slow tracks. Very intense, very quiet, but a very strong feeling in it too. It's a beautiful track, really.

Chapter Doof:
Excellent chase music again, with lots of emphasis on the drums and electric guitar from the Doof Wagon. All good fun.

This is only a fraction of the music on the Fury Road OST, however. Since I've heard varying opinions on the OST, and my own feelings on it are pretty mixed aside from the favourites listed above, my best advice would be to listen to it if you are able to do so (youtube and whatnot), and then draw your own conclusions.

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music, mad max, recs

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