
May 29, 2015 19:02

☆ So, there's a Dreamwidth Friending Meme over here. Go post if you're looking for new friends! As for me, I'll be checking it over the next couple of days, just to see if there's any later posters with similar interests to mine.

☆ A few days ago I was talking about FSTs. Well, I've put together another one - not the one I'd been talking about, though. This is going to be Hetalia FST. Norway-centric, and all metal. It started off as a pairing soundtrack, but some of the tracks that I wanted to include just didn't fit right - lots of metal, lots of soft folksy stuff, but nothing in between. So I scrapped the idea and decided to do some historical gen with a heavy sound. I'm pretty excited about it, because I've been meaning to do a history-centric all-metal mix for a long time now, but I just couldn't find the right tracks for what I wanted. Think I'll be finished with testing/arranging in a few days... I have no idea what I'm going to do for the cover art.

☆ Remembered today that I've never seen any of the Nightmare on Elm Street films. Considering I watch so many horror movies, this is ridiculous and must be fixed immediately. Fortunately, that's what I'll be watching with the gang tonight! A remake, but hey, it's a place to start.

☆ Actually - honestly, there are a lot of classics that I just haven't seen. I fully intend to get around to them eventually, but there's only so much free time, and there are so many movies in the world. Though it isn't horror movies that brought this to my mind recently, but Mad Max: Fury Road. I've seen people say, "How can you have never heard of Mad Max?!" Well, Beyond Thunderdome came out a year before I was born, and of course it was quite a while before I was old enough to watch that kind of movie. To add to it, action movies were never a big thing in my house, and this series doesn't seem to be that big in my part of Canada among people who like older films, because I literally never heard a single mention of it until Fury Road came out this year. So - when I hear "How can you not have heard of Mad Max", my only response is - easily. ... But since I liked Fury Road so much, it's very likely that I'll see the other films eventually. Possibly soon.

☆ I'll be getting plenty of time to myself this weekend. Should be nice! Though I'll probably spend most of it running around on errands. I told a friend I'd look for a specific doll for them, since they were having trouble getting hold of it, but knowing where I live, I'll have to go to every single toystore in the city before I find it (if I find it). Well, I don't mind - I hear we're supposed to have great weather tomorrow, and since I'll be downtown, I'll be able to pop into Yoshi's for lunch.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3397684.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

dreamwidth, music, mad max, life, movies

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