
May 24, 2015 16:59

☆ Went to see Mad Max: Fury Road today. It was pretty cool! I enjoyed it - and glad that I went to see it in cinema, because it's really the kind of film that benefits from the big screen. Wish I hadn't had to see it in 3D, but eh, I take what I can get. Not sure if it's something I would re-watch - by myself, at least; I'd totally watch it during a movie night with my mates - but it was a fun time. I've never seen any of the previous Mad Max films, but now I'm curious. I found the setting really interesting, not to mention the vehicle design - speaking of which, I found a neat article here about the production design/vehicles used in the film. ... And of course, looking away from the setting and toward characters, I loved Furiosa. She's pretty damn cool. Not to mention all the members of the Vuvalini. Found myself liking Max a lot as well, which was surprising because I generally don't feel much one way or another about male action film protagonists. ... The only downside is that a lot of the time, I couldn't parse the dialogue. I wish the film'd had subtitles. Then again, I usually do wish cinemas used subtitles. Subtitles for everyone, says I.

☆ If you're still on the fence about seeing this movie, I'd suggest giving it a go if any of these things sound interesting to you: post-apocalyptic Australia, cool practical effects, intense car chases in fabulously frankenstein'd vehicles, women in leadership positions, a male protagonist who isn't an asshole to his allies, protagonists with PTSD, prosthetic limbs in post-apocalyptic environment, blood transfusions in this setting, tough old women who drive motorcycles and take no shit. ... But if car chases bore you, then sorry, best to pass this one over. It is totally a two-hour car chase. You have been warned.

☆ Nordipalooza is going well. 8 submissions as of this posting. ... I hope there will be more. I expect there will be. Usually, there are a ton of submissions at absolutely-the-last-minute. So, I fully expect to wake up tomorrow to an inbox with a bunch of email submissions put through at 4AM or something like that. But, that's not a problem. Anyway, I'm going to read the submissions after posting is closed and everything is up. So far, it looks like a few will definitely be relevant to my interests - but of course, I'm going to read all of them, regardless of summary/characters.

☆ ... I have Australia's Eurovision Song stuck in my head. Man, Guy Sebastian gave such a good performance (which is why I link'd the live version). I wish they'd won, but then again, it would be hard to top that - or should I say, it's one tough act to follow? ;) ;) ;) Whatever, Australia is the winner in my heart.

☆ Speaking of Australia in Eurovision, Sweden and Australia exchanging twelve points last night made me want to write some Hetalia Eurovision fic with Sweden/Australia just because. With maybe some Norway and UK on the side being indignant about betrayal from their respective family members. (No 12 points to Norway from the Nordic bloc? No points at all from Australia to UK? How dare you) But, I'll have to think of a way to actually plot it down. It's the kind of thing that would be better as a ridiculous comic than as a fic. ... Oh, hell, maybe I should just write some straight-up Sve/Aussie without the Eurovision connection. It's a pretty cute pair on its own, anyway. Hot/Cold, fun!

☆ Speaking of writing. I WROTE NOTHING THIS WEEKEND. YAY, A BREAK. Well, okay, I lie: I scribbled down maybe 200 words while I was having a coffee in A&W and waiting for it to be time to go see Mad Max. It's for some Redtail's Dream fic, which so far isn't turning out very well, because I can't find a good voice for Hannu for the life of me - but anyway. Point is, I barely wrote anything. It feels so good, which suggests to me that I really really needed a break. I'm happy with the way my Nordipalooza turned out last week, but I pushed myself more than I generally would prefer to do in order to get it finished within good time, and... yeah. Break from hobbies. Sometimes, it's a good idea!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3396455.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

hetalia, writing, eurovision, movies

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