(no subject)

May 18, 2015 19:57

☆ Finally finished and posted my fic for Nordipalooza Fest. I'm glad to have that off the to-do list! It turned out well enough, I suppose. (It's here if anyone feels the need to read some NSFW Norway/Denmark PWP. And it's crossposted to
roesslyng too of course) The only thing that I regret is that I didn't have enough time/energy to write the fic that I wanted to write originally, that historical thing about the Battle of Narvik. But, since I have it started, I'll be able to finish it at another time. I fully intend to.

☆ Right now I definitely feel like "I DON'T WANT TO WRITE ANY MORE EVER" but this feeling will only last until the end of the week, I'm sure. ;p

☆ Since that deadline project is out of the way, I hope to be able to be a bit more social. Catch up on some of the responses/letters I owe people. But it's hard to say. There are some things I probably won't catch up on - entries I've missed... if there's anything you want me to see, drop the link here, otherwise I might not see it on account of being distracted by something shiny.

☆ I'm quickly running out of time to get driving practice done. I need it by early July... there's not much time left. Where on earth is the year going?! I feel like it was March just yesterday, arrrrgh. Anyway. Need... more practice. :/ Going to have to make an itemized list of the things that'll be on the road test, and which of those I need to work on the most, probably.

☆ Feeling a little stressed out for no particular reason. Not fun! Think I'll handle this with a run, and watching some Rome. Kind of had to stop watching a while due to working on other things. I'm up to episode 4 now, I think. Still enjoying it. Can hardly remember anything about how it goes, mind you. I think there is a lot that I forgot/missed/never watched the first time around. But, anyway, it reminds me of how much I used to enjoy Classical Studies. Good times....

☆ Eurovision coming up this Saturday! Disappointed that I'll miss the semifinals, but that's all right. Listened to some more of the songs, but only a few of them. Someone pointed me toward Macedonia's entry. I like it! Not a winner, and not my favourite of the ones I've heard so far (that would still be Italy) but it's one I can see myself listening to it. I also gave a listen to Iceland's entry, which I found... underwhelming. Maybe it'll be more interesting on stage? And Malta's entry - I'm usually not impressed with their entries, and this one isn't all that remarkable, but the video makes me want/hope for played-live strings in the stage version. That would be cool. Montenegro's entry is nice, but I don't like it anywhere near as much as I liked their entry from last year, that one was so good.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3393965.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, driving, eurovision, tv: rome, nordipalooza, life

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