☆ This weekend has been pretty good so far. Woke up early yesterday, got a lot of running around done... it was nice. Though I've been feeling extremely stiff, and I have no idea why; it might be on account of just working hard last week, though it's hard to be sure. When you spend so much time at a desk... well, you know.
☆ I've been watching HBO's Rome. I watched it once, years and years ago, shortly after it first came out. The Classics Society at my university did movie nights occasionally, and there was a string of them where we watched this series. Since I don't remember it well, watching it from the discs now is like watching it for the first time. I'm only on the third episode, but I'm enjoying it very much. It's a very well-done series, I will say that.
☆ Watched An American Werewolf in London last night with the horror movie gang. That's one that has been on my to-watch list, since it tends to show up in top lists and whatnot. Can't say it was a favourite, but I don't feel like I wasted my time, either. I must say, the practical effects were pretty impressive, considering when it was made; they were still a bit cheesy, of course, but you can tell that a lot of work went into it.
☆ Finished reading Jo Nesbø's Phantom. Not one of the better novels in the Harry Hole series. Wouldn't recommend it. The ending gives me pause, makes me wonder just how there can be another book after this when it ends the way it does... But I'll have to see, when I get around to reading Police.
☆ Started listening to Sibelius today. I'd never really bothered looking into his work because I tend not to get along with classical music, no matter what period it is, except for when I'm listening to it live. The reason I decided to look into his work was because I had a vague notion about seeing if I could use some of his Kalevala-inspired symphonic poems on a Redtail's Dream FST. Jury's still out on that, but possibly (mainly I've been listening to the
Lemminkäinen Suite, there's some stuff I might be able to use there). Anyway, I really like what I've heard so far, which surprised me. I guess it's the same thing with poetry - I tend to be frustrated by it, and not get along with it in general, until I stumble upon a poet who matches up with my tastes perfectly. Maybe Sibelius is like that.
☆ Speaking of A Redtail's Dream, I was talking with an anon earlier in the week about it, and they had an absolutely wonderful idea for an AU ending for the comic. It would make for a great fic -
Spoilers, of course.
Anon's idea: the fic that i wanted like burning once I'd finished the comic was 'AU where Ville ends up human but Hannu remains dead, and then newly!human!panicking!Ville has to team up with angry!sad!suspicious!Paju to get his soul back.
Hot damn, I love this idea so much! It seems very much in keeping with how Paju would react to this kind of thing, and the idea of her angrily going off in search of Hannu to drag him back to the world of the living, it pushes my buttons so hard. I want to write this eventually. I think it'll be tricky to figure out how to write Paju's voice, and I have no idea how the actual plot will work out, but it'd be awesome. Paju has so much gumption, she'd be perfect in that role.
☆ I worked on fic this weekend! Not all of it was on the fic that I'm supposed to be working on, but that's neither here nor there. Some of it was on the fic for Nordipalooza fest, at least, so that's better than nothing. I think that it will get done before the deadline, even if I would have preferred to have it done now. The Battle of Narvik fic is going to have to be postponed until after the fest; I can't work on two things for it at once. So, it'll just be the NSFW thing that I'll end up submitting. As for the other things I was working on, I... started writing some Redtail's Dream fic, and I regret nothing. Or rather, I would regret nothing if there weren't things with a deadline that I need to be working on. And unfortunately, it has a plot that I've written a couple times before (it's very similar to that LoZ fic I wrote, and also that Eng/Nor story - the whole "nightmares + comfort" kind of plot). But I guess there's nothing wrong with sticking with a particular thing if it's what you like.
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