På norsk - 9 April

Apr 10, 2015 22:09

Yesterday (09 April) was the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Norway. So, this meant that there was a lot of interesting stuff flying around the internet relating to that.

... And of course, most of it was in Norwegian. I certainly got a lot of practice, even if it was a frustrating experience and I still have so much difficulty reading anything, let alone articles relating to serious historical events.

A few things I came across (mooostly stuff from Aftenposten, I haven't poked around much beyond that because there's so much stuff) - I can't read most of them very well, but as my Norwegian improves I might be able to understand them better, so these are for my own reference, I suppose.

*Aftenposten front page from 09 April 1940
*Detailed breakdown of the invasion
*Photos from 09 April 1940
*Personal stories of the invasion
*NRK broadcast informing citizens of the invasion

I have a lot of difficulty understanding the NRK recording, even though the broadcaster speaks very clearly, because my listening skills for Norwegian are so poor. But, for me, it's one of the most interesting pieces I've come across so far. I saw the link in a discussion thread on ffa (here) and the anon who posted it did a translation. So, at least I know what's being said.

"Five o'clock this morning, the German ambassador visited the foreign minister and demanded that Norway not offer any resistance to the German protective action. He reminded the minister that Denmark has not offered any resistance. The government has rejected this, and there is a general order of mobilising. Tonight, German war ships passed the Oslo fjord fortress under violent fire from the fortress. One heavy cruiser passed, but was later sunk. Other ships have fired on the fortress. War ships have also sailed into Bergen, which has fallen. Ships have also sailed to Trondheim, which has fallen. At least one ship and a some troops have made it to Narvik under fire. Available information is sparse. Kristiansand also informs that they are under attack. Little information is available, but German troops have made a landing."

I found it very chilling.

...So, it seems, I really do need to work on Norwegian more. Both reading and listening. (And writing too, though I'm already working on that).

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3383518.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

norway, norwegian, languages, history

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