(no subject)

Feb 15, 2015 21:52

I finished a fic! And I'm very happy about it!

'Course, I still need to tweak it and proof it and fiddle with it a little, and decide on a title too, but the main thing is that it's finished. This thing has been in my WIP folder since late 2013, and I'm going to be so glad to be done with it.

It wasn't a Hetalia fic, either. The fandom was Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds; that Link & Ravio friendship fic that I posted an excerpt from a few months ago. It's so rare for me to write anything outside of Hetalia fandom... man, I'm so glad that I'm finished it.

With all the excitement about the Majora's Mask re-release, I guess that's what kicked me into gear to get it done, even if they're completely separate games.

Some of my friends have already received their copies of MM - mine's still in the mail. That's fine, though. Honestly, I haven't even managed to play the 3ds Ocarina of Time yet, and I do want to go through that one before tackling MM. That's the thing about me and games - I'm so horrible about actually setting aside time to play them.

Anyway! This thing should be done... soon. And then perhaps I'll get around to gaming. Maybe. (Probably not.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3374480.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

legend of zelda, writing, gaming

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