Man. Fic is one thing, but there are so many fandom-related things that I do that are composed of fiddly behind-the-scenes stuff, and for the last few... months... I've let that slide. It's time to get back on it again.
I've discovered that The News From Lake Wobegon is really excellent background noise for when I'm doing kink meme indexing. That's great, because I have at least 100 episodes of that to catch up on, and 23 parts left to re-index due to the LJ->DW transfer. While I was neglecting this project because it's just so tedious, maybe this will help me catch up....
Made some progress, at least. Parts 24-27 are now covered. I'll start on Part 23... tomorrow, maybe.
AHH going to have to remind myself to take care of some early organizational fest-related things, too. At least contact my co-mod from last year and see if she's still in. But... not tonight.
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