Fic meme

Jan 22, 2015 20:31

When you see this, share at least 3 random lines from 3 WIPs. Stolen from

I'm just rather glad that I actually have something to share, since I haven't been writing much. Snippets rather than just sentences, because I felt like it. Though I really do need to find some time to put more work down on these.

01. "He can't abide with the light," Norway said sharply. He set the lantern down on a nearby rock, the metal clicking against stone. In the sudden dark, he was invisible; but as she blinked, his outline slowly came into view, then the pale wash of his face. "It hurts his eyes, y'see."

"I see." Except that she didn't. "Just who is this -"

"A troll. Now if you don't mind, I'd rather not go gabbin' on his doorstep longer than necessary."


02. "Fine, fine," he said lightly, with a wave of his hand and a smile. It wasn't anything to worry about. "Go ahead, Nor. You can tell me now. What do you think about the union, anyway?"

Norway lifted his head, giving him a long look. The firelight cupped his pale face and made his dark eyes look darker in its dim glow. The flat line of his lips deepened into a frown for a moment, and then it was gone. Neutral again. "I'm tired," he said dryly, rising from his seat. "And I'm going to go to bed."


03. "I'm just saying! You should take better care of yourself. You hero types are pretty tough, but if you die in battle, I'll lose my best customer!"

Link scrubbed a hand down his face and stared at him. "Really," he said. That was what he was concerned about?

"Of course!" As if that settled it, Ravio stepped over to the hearth. Bending to lift the cover on the pot, he gave it a stir, then stopped. "Well, and also there's the part about the inevitable doom and gloom and destruction of your princess's kingdom. Y'know. If you fail."

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or at the original entry.

legend of zelda, hetalia, writing, meme

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