Hetalia stuff - AHHHH

Dec 21, 2014 21:44

I'm so happy about the latest blog update. New sketch of Denmark and Norway, hooray!

Talking with some people leads to the conclusion that it's probably Napoleonic era, based on the clothing. And it'd explain why Denmark looks so worried. But sometimes it's hard to tell - there have been some strange/anachronistic clothing design choices in the past (thinking back to the March Across the Belts strip, the stuff they're wearing in that comic doesn't look very 1650s at all, but eh).

I wish there were more explanation/description, but I guess we'll just have to speculate. BUT oh man, right now I have such a huge craving for Napoleonic era fic! And I wish so much that the Anon who was writing the story set during that time period had finished it. They were the one who had written that amazing fic about the 1814 Sweden-Norway union that I'd loved so much... The Denmark/Norway dynamic in "When the Sixth Day Comes" is just so wonderful, even if it's brief compared to the overall length of the story, and I had so wanted to see more of it.... Ah, well.

Perhaps this will at least inspire some fanart set during that time period? That'd be nice. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3361160.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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