So, last night I watched The Cabinet of Dr Caligari - rather, finished watching it, as I'd started the day earlier but had to stop due to lack of time. I'd heard the title around here and there, but didn't really know anything about it.
It's way better than I expected - and I think if I'd watched it with the lights off, I would've been pretty creeped out. Yes, it's old of course, but it's still pretty good. If you have any interest at all in classic horror or silent films, give it a go. This is only the second silent film I've ever seen; the first was Nosferatu.
The thing that interested me the most, though, was the really surreal background/sets. Totally a surreal look going on there, and I didn't expect it at all - but then again, I went in knowing nothing except that it was an old silent horror movie, so I really had no idea what to expect, heh. It's worth a watch even just for the visuals alone, I'd say.
I made some breakthroughs in my mother's genealogy stuff this evening, thanks to
tikula's help. tl;dr we finally have a document with the names of my great-grandmother's parents on it. But I couldn't figure out what they were, because the spelling was difficult (those Polish names, I tell you...) so Tik helped. <3 <3 That Tik, what a gal.
Probably not going to be able to get much farther than this, I think, because getting any information relating to anything from before my great-grandmother immigrated from Galicia to Canada is practically impossible. But at least we have this. And we might be able to get a few more names from this piece of paper... if we can read the handwriting on it.
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