Redesign on tumblr, films, and some other things

Oct 30, 2014 18:42

Wow, Tumblr's new margins certainly cause... issues... for photosets/image quality/proper display/etc. I was thinking about making some imagesets this weekend, since I took a lot of caps while playing VH and wanted to try putting them together in an interesting way, but uh. I think I'll hold off on that until this gets sorted out. Hopefully Tumblr will notice how upset everyone is (especially since it applies retroactively - posts made for the old format are displaying with the new one, and it just doesn't work) and they'll roll back to the old margin format.

Not that I'm attached to Tumblr - I think you all know that I don't like it for text-based communication - but when it comes to things like screencap sets, it's great. Or at least, it was. So hopefully that'll get fixed.

Anyway. If I do get the image-snipping bug, I can always make icons. Quick and easy and no need to worry about fitting it into the format of a temperamental website.

This last week has been really exhausting; I'm so glad that it's almost over. I wish that I could be excited for Halloween, but it's hard when I'm so tired. Not to mention that... well, I don't have a party to go to, nor any friends to celebrate with. I might do some gothy makeup for at work (ahh, I love the opportunity to wear black lipstick without people looking at me strangely) but that's all. If I'm lucky, some people from the APH Anon Meme will stream some horror movies. That'd be nice. Otherwise, I might just re-watch an old film that I like. And maybe go see something on Saturday? I don't know - it's hard to say. On the one hand I don't really want to go downtown at all, but on the other I have a few things that I need to take to the secondhand store eventually, if not now, and I might as well do something while I'm in the area... But maybe that can wait until next week. Anyway, if I do go, it's a toss-up between Dracula Untold and Ouija (those are the only two playing that look like they'd be at all relevant to my interests)

I forgot that I'll have Remembrance Day off... it's kind of strange that I keep forgetting it, but then again no. In some ways I'm still not used to an office job schedule; more used to retail, where stat holidays might as well not exist. So, I won't be working. Strange to have a day off on a Tuesday, but it'll be nice. I should rewatch La Grande Illusion on that day, perhaps.

Speaking of films, note to self: Check out the 1938 version (and perhaps 1919?) J'accuse! by Abel Grace. It sounds very interesting.

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tumblr, life, holidays, movies

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