(no subject)

Oct 28, 2014 21:15

I feel so annoyed. In one of those moods now where I want to take a hiatus from everything and everywhere, and at the same time I'm craving social interaction. Hmm.

A partial reason is that I've found my coworkers insufferable in the last couple of days. Thankfully, my job doesn't require a lot of interaction with them, and I can wear headphones when I'm at work. But it really sucks when I'm in the mood to talk to people, just in general, but everyone around me is doing things that bother me in some way. Ugh.

Work has also been really, really slow lately. So that makes it difficult too. But I've been working on fic a little while at work - just handwriting some stuff- which makes it not so bothersome.

Anyway. I've been working on my fics for the Hetalia fall theme week on tumblr, and that at least is going nicely. It's kind of fun to scribble out these short commitment-free things, and I've been writing a few characters that I haven't written in ages for some of them. Also, I received my prompts for the DenIce fest... at first I had no clue what to do with them, but some people gave me suggestions, so that's helpful. I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do exactly, but at least now I have a bit of direction.

My local theatre is definitely not going to be showing The Book of Life, and that is disappointing. It isn't that I expected it to be amazing - pretty yes, amazing no - it's just, I was looking forward to seeing it... I was thinking about going to the cinema this weekend, but I just don't think I'll have the mental energy to take that super-long bus ride downtown just to see something else that I'm so-so about. Oh, well.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3346387.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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