
Aug 19, 2014 05:46

Lately I've been feeling really embarrassed about everything fandom-related that I could possibly have to say. It doesn't matter if it's on the APH anon meme, or on F_FA, or even on twitter; I find myself hesitating because I feel like everyone will be like "Nobody cares, Yuu."

And that's ridiculous, because there is plenty of room for my dumb fandom-related brain glurge, just like there is for everyone else. So I've been sort-of trying to make an effort to write that stuff in my journal lately; but I've also found myself hesitating to do that. So I should try... harder... to resist being hesitant. Yes.

Anyway! I recently threw together a bunch of Anno 1790 icons. And will be putting together more once I get through the rest of my re-watch (I... still haven't gotten past episode 3... I'm so terrible at watching tv.) I've been thinking of making a comm to throw my icons in, not just for that fandom but in general, because I do enjoy making them and I have some Hetalia stuff and HTTYD stuff and - well, why not. But we'll see. I'll be making more as the rewatch goes on.

I'm still slowly - very slowly - reading through the entries from this year's Nordipalooza and commenting on all of them. I have about 7 left to go, I think. But I'm going to comment on all of them. I might be able to get that all done before vacation, but that might be being extra hopeful. I just find reading fanfiction so exhausting these days; even unrelated to this fest. A friend of mine recently wrote some France/Poland stuff that I really want to read, and I heard about a good A Link Between Worlds fic that was written for an exchange recently, but the very thought of opening up Ao3 to read it makes my brain go bzzzzt. I don't know why that is. :(

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3335486.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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