
Jan 19, 2014 18:55

My mum said that for the first time in ages, she really feels as if she's been healing successfully. This is really encouraging to hear, and I feel so good about it.

This weekend has been really low-energy, low-pressure. I got out and about a little, but didn't really do much. It was very warm earlier in the week, which isn't a good thing because it was so warm that everything melted and then froze overnight. Dangerous. Can't say I'm too keen on that.

Enjoying Mushishi so far. I'm only 3 episodes in. To be honest, I'm sort of taking it in tiny bits and pieces and rationing it out because I like it a lot, really a lot, and I don't want to go through it quickly.

I've mentioned in previous entries (and on twitter) that I've been feeling extremely blah lately. I think it started up when we had that horrible weather in December. Really bothersome... it seems like a shift in depression caused by the weather. 'Cause it isn't as if I'm just losing interest in one thing; pretty much everything makes me feel blah and I don't want to do it, even things that I really love. And that's a classic depression symptom. ... So. Annoying, but I can deal with it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3321258.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

mushishi, mental health, family, life

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