Wait what

Sep 08, 2013 16:52

Some douchebag was having a party in their yard last night until like 4 fucking AM and it was loud as hell and I did not get a wink of sleep and now I'm cranky. To be honest, I probably should have called the cops or... something. I mean, that's a damn noise violation right there. Ah, well, next time. Because I really don't think this will be the only time.


So, sometime yesterday, I realized that this fic I've been working on for a while is soon going to surpass the length of the longest one I've written so far, and it's just barely begun. And there is a ton of stuff that needs to happen before it's finished. Essentially, we're going to be looking at something around the 50k mark if I manage to finish it.

It's kind of scary, because I've never written anything that long. But the events are pretty clearly divided so in a way it's like writing five 10k stories that all wind together... I think. But STILL. 6_9

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but there it is. ... I just wish I could get so inspired for a different kind of story. Something epic and awesome, preferably historical gen, taking place during the 1600s maybe. Instead of... uh. A Norway/Germany modern romance that is essentially about dealing with the problems that can come up in new relationships. orz Which is what this is. OH WELL...

Thought I would finish this story this year, but that's definitely not going to happen. :V alas.

Anyhow. Aside from that... Nothing going on whatsoever. :D Things have been a little bit stressful lately because my new position at work is more demanding than it was previously, but I guess I'll get accustomed to it eventually. Oh! And I've started learning to drive again - mum has been going out with me to practice, and I have a professional lesson in a couple of weeks. I probably won't get my license by the end of this year. But next spring, maybe. I probably should have started learning again at, like, the beginning of summer, but mum was still in bad shape from breaking her hip, which meant that there was nobody who could teach me. Though I guess I could have paid to take lessons.

On another note, I found a way to study Norwegian while on the bus to work; I put the Anki flashcard program on my itouch, so I can just do it that way. I mean, okay, it isn't as in-depth as I would like to study, but it's something I can do without having to sit down somewhere with a book and peace-and-quiet. And I need to learn more vocabulary, anyway. If I end up sticking with this, I might add cards for another language too, but I'm not sure which one yet. I'm leaning toward Dutch, or maybe French because I could do with a refresher, or maybe Spanish... but probably Dutch. Or maybe instead of doing another language I could do mathematics instead, because I really need a refresher on the basics there, argh... but I'm getting ahead of myself. -3- It's fun to use, anyway.

Argh, it is nearly 5 PM, and I feel like my entire day was wasted because I got up at 10:30 due to being exhausted from not having slept because of that douchebag being douchey until 4AM. :T NOT GOOD.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3313070.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, languages, driving

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